Mediawiki forum bridge?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by ZGampu, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. ZGampu

    ZGampu Newcomer

    I've been all over the web looking for this, but haven't found any good candidates.

    What I'm looking for is something similar to IPBwiki. The main functions I'm interested in are single sign-on and redirecting wiki article discussion pages to dedicated forum threads. IPBwiki does that, but development is like molasses. It's all done by one person and he hasn't been able to get it working with IP.Board 3.0 even though that's been out for more than six months. I'm not confident that he can keep the software going. vbWiki used to do the same things with vBulletin, but was abandoned by its developer two years ago, a fate I'm afraid will befall IPBwiki. I can't seem to find anything that can do the same functions (specifically the discussion to forum redirect) for MyBB, SMF or even PHPbb. SMF seems to be having growing pains recently. Aargh! :nailbite:

    Is there anything for any forum software that will do this? I don't really care whether it works with IPB, vBulletin, MyBB or SMF, just as long as it's stable and has timely development so it supports the latest versions of Mediawiki and whichever forum software it works with. And I'd like to stay within these four forums plus Mediawiki just so I know there's room to grow later on.
  2. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    SMF Auth Integration is extremely simple, though the discussion redirect doesn't exist. I know it works on 1.14 and 1.15 just fine, just read the discussion page.

    I tried the phpBB Auth awhile ago and it did not like cross-database handling at all. V. broken.
  3. ZGampu

    ZGampu Newcomer

    Unfortunately, the redirect is the feature I want most. Wikis are fairly sterile experiences. You post what you know and that's it. Interacting with other users by asking and answering questions, offering opinions, etc. is very difficult with jumbled regular discussion pages. A threaded forum is so much more superior. I know quite a few scripts that allow wiki-forum integration in terms of authorization, but only the two I mentioned above do redirects and neither is a workable solution right now.

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