Well I've been very vocal in the past about the mark forums read system in xenforo. I never liked the idea of clicking 1 link and having to click another to confirm I want to mark forums read. That was until today. In fact I wish the forum I was reading had the popup. I'm visiting a tech site I go to every morning. When I go to a site I always use the new post link to read the new posts since my last visit. The site I was on is very active so there is usually a couple hundred new posts. I read a few threads and inadvertently clicked the mark forum read link. Poof all unread content gone. Now I had to go through the forums to read what I missed. The, what I used to call annoying, mark read popup sure would have been helpful. I wouldn't had to spend an extra hour catching up on things. In any case I'm now a supporter of the xenforo mark forum read popup.
I was the same way. While, I never had anything happen like what you just described, I guess I just sort of got used to it and don't hate it anymore.
I'm one of those people who says harsh words to my PC every time it asks me if I'm really sure I want to delete that file. Of course I'm sure! I've yet to make a mistake so until I do I'm going to keep flying by the seat of my pants
I'm the opposite. The MAAR confirmation is one of my few gripes with XenForo. It's just not all that important to need confirmation, IMHO. Worse case scenario you MAAR by mistake and have to search for new post in the last 24 hours. You'll pretty much remember where you left off.