Manly Stuff - Women - Beer - Sport - Adult Content and much more. So we have spent alot of time reskining/designing our forum some feedback would be great please! thanks.
Your icons are all pixelated and look bad. On the sidebar your "connect" area has borders around the images, try adding border="0" inside the img tag to get rid of that. I'd remove all the extra spaces between the lines in the footer. and have just one between the last line and the black area The repeating image in your notices area is rather annoying to say the least. Cut it down to one and then place the things you're trying to draw attention to under neath that. You need some sort of front page up and running. Even if something as simple as vBADvanced just to let visitors know what the site is about, recent topics, and other goodies for members to enjoy. Having a domain with just a forum on it is boring.
Or he could add this to his additional CSS to remove borders from all images on his site: Code: img {border:0;} That would be most effective rather than adding extra HTML.
yeah i think i'll have to re do the icons i was thinking of having my little dude in each one doing somthing?
I wonder how the outcome of that would look. Have him doing Manly Stuff. Like wood chopping sort of things. If not the base it on your forums.
I like the overall design, looks clean and sharp. Easy to navigate etc. Yeh, I would re-do the icons, make the look clearer and really reflect what they are supposed to stand for. Maybe something different than the man? Sometimes you can have to much of something. Depends how much he stands out. S33ker.
Review of Manly Stuff Hi Okenyon! Glad to see the new site and thanks for the chance to take a look! Here are my thoughts - feel free to completely ignore or tell me I'm crazy! * I would stick to only one waving smiley face per notice. If you would like to highlight all three of the items you have listed perhaps you could use a different icon for each and place them horizontally instead of vertically. * Just a clarification question: Do you have to register before you can post? In your welcome you say that you "may have to register" and if you definitely do, I would manage expectations. It may be silly, but I think of that as saying "some people have to register to post and some don't... depends on if I like your IP address or not." * Your After Hours forum may be an open door for trouble. A friend of mine had a similar collection of pictures of a well known actress and ended up getting a threatening call from the actress' MOTHER! I know your rules say that your site is not responsible for the content in that forum, but I assure you that the lawyers won't see it that way. It may end up costing you more ($) that it is worth. * I love your connect buttons! Very cool and classy! I would love to hear more about how people can follow your forum through the radio. What have been your experiences with this medium - podcasts I'm assuming. * Love the poll section but I wonder if this gets the type of traffic that it should. This section crosses over the themes of the other forums and either steals traffic to those forums or is overlooked because people aren't interested in voting. Perhaps mixing the Poll vs. Poll idea into your existing categories would help you funnel traffic better. Maybe the Poll vs. Poll could be a standard sub-form for each of the "On-Topic Discussions." *Finally, I would suggest adding a link to the Forum on your main menu bar for usability. HTH! RR