For those of you who run several forums, how do you manage them? Do you have a specific process that allows you to maximize your daily accomplishments in terms of tasks, "chores", promoting, and everything that goes along with managing forums? How do you keep up with all of them?
I do the same as Michelle but a little different, I get on MSN so if people from either forum need me I am in quick contact.
I always put my biggest one first in terms of advertising, etc. Then all my other small forums come second.
I just try to keep an eye on them and post content when I can. But when you have a couple of blogs, and a few forums, time gets short.
Delegation. I handle most of the technical details, even on PrP where Dawg handles some of that, but for the most part my forums run because people help make it run.
I agree with the majority of the posts above. Managing multiple forums is difficult. A well organized IM contact list is all you need to manage multiple communities. Structuring your contact lists into groups of [Site A - Moderators] [Site A - Members] and [Site B - Moderators] [Site B - Members]. That way, you can delegate tasks and respond to feedback without instantly and recognize which site is in reference. It has worked for me over the years and I will continue to do so. I'd recommend getting an IM program that handles multiple platforms on one client. That way you can group MSN/AIM/Yahoo contacts into one group.
Yes, it's possible. Just create a new group, and drag them in there. Easily one of my favorite features of Pidgin.
im awesome at multitasking. im currently on two of my own forums, this one, two other forums i post on, facebook and msn, at the same time although i guess none of mine are very big yet, so they dont need as much moderation...