Male Niche Adspaces!

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Okenyon, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    Advertise On

    Why advertise on was established to give males everything they need under one roof. Since opening we have received 100000's of hits and registrants. We are growing rapidly day by day, so let us help you by giving you some great unique traffic. We now average over 100 members daily and 1000's of guests!

    1. We currently receive 10000's of uniques a month! And won't stop growing!
    2. We are the fastest growing MALE forum on the net!
    3. There are over 20.000 in bound links to
    4. achieved 1700+ members in only 6 months of being online
    5. is the ONLY site where you can get everything manly under ONE roof, including - Sports - Betting - Porn - Motors - Babes - Humour - Media.

    Spots Available.

    - All prizes are now Negotiable! as we like to help out our customers with an agreeable, and helpful price!


    1.Header Banner - 450x70 - Price - Negotiable! - 4 Available

    1. Prime location - the most viewable spot for advertisements, this banner is situated on EVERY page on the website and will get 1000's of impressions daily!

    2.Side Bar Banner - 125x125 - Price - Negotiable! - 2 Available

    1. Another prime spot, very nice size and again this banner is situated on EVERY page.

    3.Footer Text Link - Text! - Price -Negotiable! - 2 Available

    1. The bargain link - this link is place on EVERY page on the site, and is a great way to advertise and backlink your website.

    4.Sitewide Pm or Email - Text! - Price -Negotiable! - Available

    1. Amazing way to personally send a Message or Email to 1000's of members!

    Any other advertisement plans for example stickied threads etc can be done just ask below!


    All V.I.P and Elite Members get 20% Discount!
    Bulk deals are available.

    Purchase/Buying Adspace on

    If you are ready to buy adspace or have any questions please don't hesitate in contacting the staff via any of these methods

    Email - [email protected]
    Private Message - Here
    Aol Messenger - [email protected]
    Private Message
    Or within this thread!

    If you are ready straight away then please send your money via paypal to - [email protected]

    Then please send your banner/text image and code via email to - [email protected]

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  2. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Once again, I posted in your thread before, you don't have 20,000 inbound links.
  3. AzH

    AzH Regular Member

    ...and your forum is not the best forum ever. ;)
  4. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Huh. I do believe it is as it says it is. I wouldn't lie.

    On Topic: People should definitely advertise. I have watched Manlystuff since it was created and he has done a great job with it!
  5. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    ^thanks very much man that means ALOT!
  6. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    No problem man. I am always on to continue to give advice via aim.
  7. vlauria

    vlauria Addict

    ahh hah, maybe that's because you used the american comma for 1,000 and maybe we should consider his period 20.000 as just 20+ links :D (in the uk they use periods for thousand markers)
  8. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    You make a good point. I did not know that.
  9. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    you gotta button?

    we could exchange?
  10. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    You've asked me this before? I don't do that on my site.

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