What is your most common ban reason on your forums? Other than Spamming and Spammed Advertisements the most common on ours is insulting other members.
"Posting Spam and/or unwanted comments" It's auto from the One touch clean up and ban modification. Most those bans are from spam adverts.
I don't think I've ever banned somebody who isn't a spammer, other than twice - which, each case was unique so it isn't considered a "common" ban reason.
Askimet automatically ban users who spam, and I think that's the most common reason. I, nor does any other administrator or moderator on our forums ban too often. Though, on Bird is the Word, I had to ban a user who was insulting another member.
95% or more of all bans I've initiated have all been due to SPAM-related incidents. I don't think I've ever had to ban a member for rude and/or inappropriate behavior... but I honestly don't remember.
Well the most issue's are with spammers that don't wish to resolve they're issue's. I gave them currently a nice forum to spam under and I guess it resolved most of the issue's. At least for short term
Other then spam? I have only temp banned people. I believe in second chances, so I will let them come back after a few days or a week, depending on what they did.
Well, a few major reasons to ban if a member is being very rude, racist and/or sexist, ect. to other members and/or staff...
It's most likely spam due to a certain few past determined spammers and the usual spambots. Anything else is relatively rare to be honest.
I don't ban, I put em in miserable users. Speaking of miserable, what's happened to twhiting or whatever his name was
I've had to ban a couple of people for abusing PMs; depending on the severity of the situation, I either took away PM privileges and later had to ban when they continued to break the rules, or went straight for the ban.
Unauthorized advertising is the number one reason. Even if the items are related to my site, if your first post contains, "hello everyone check out my site where I sell,,,," - spammer, one touch spam ban and clean up. After that, its the promotion of violence towards other people.
i have banned twice. one was a spammer and the other was impersonating another member. my co-admin on our oldest forum has banned a few others, mostly for spamming.