Looking quite

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Wonko, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    Amazon Web Services, Inc.
  2. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Nothing to do with Amazon.
    pixelek and SneakyDave like this.
  4. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    now I see :)
    Your nick stands for Amazon Web Services, isnt it?
  5. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    It seems to go in phases, when activity and drama on TAZ is down, Howard unbans a few people, and maybe promotes a few more dozen to staff. When it gets too hot to handle, he throws out the bannings again. At least that's what I've observed.
    pixelek likes this.
  6. LSDuce

    LSDuce Regular Member

    Meh, no one likes forums anymore. There's this hip new thing all the cool kids are doing called the myspace. The only people who still post on message boards are tossers and sheep shaggers.
  7. MainerMikeBrown

    MainerMikeBrown Regular Member

    I still like online forums, LS.
    pixelek likes this.
  8. Wonko

    Wonko Regular Member

    Thoughtful and constructive comment...........................
  9. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    There's a new social media necessity coming out. Its called MyFaceySpace.
    AWS likes this.
  10. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    Hello again peeps! :)

    Happy Presidents' Day (Washington's Birthday) to the american members, do you get the day off?
    SneakyDave likes this.
  11. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    Mr. Postman apparently is.
    My seller just told me that the item I bought can't be shipped until Tuesday.
    Thanks Obama.
    SneakyDave likes this.
  12. Wonko

    Wonko Regular Member

    I think we have gone off topic here a bit so I will drag it back:evillaugh:

    Things don't seam to have improved at all, still very little activity here which is a real shame and still no input from the new owner, given the time that has past I don't think this forum is important to the new owner at all so it will die, I would post more threads but I am not very knowledgeable and use admin forums for answers to issues I may have.
  13. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    Why do you feel the need to post more threads?
    Do you have an investment here or you just love the place?
    Not trying to undermine your effort, just curious.
  14. Wonko

    Wonko Regular Member

    Not necessarily more threads but posts in reply to existing threads, the right thread can lead to a lively discussion which is in my opinion what a forum is about. No financial investment or any thing else other than being a member of a small admin community compared to TAZ.
  15. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    Fastest solution is to get the three musketeers back on here. As a community of trolls, we should strife to be good, funny and joyous trolls, trolls that aren't bitter. Play around but also contribute good stuff and not hold personal grudges. If you pound someone again and again every time, they'll eventually fed up and leave. You gotta give them room to breathe.
    pixelek and Wonko like this.
  16. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    There will probably be a separate President's Day for Obama in a few years, just wait! lol :whistle:
  17. LSDuce

    LSDuce Regular Member

    We should definitely have a separate presidents day for Obama.

    Separate, but equal.

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