Looking for labels

Discussion in 'Graphics Requests' started by sportwiz628, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    Looking for Rank Images

    Could someone possible make me some labels (I believe that is what they are called)

    My site is sportsloungecentral.com and as you can see we have a Red and Black skin so I would need them to go good with the skin. I would need them for:

    Super Moderator
    GFX Member

  2. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Rank Images, you mean? :rofl:
  3. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    I am not sure what you were looking for in size but here is a sample of what I started on in the same color scheme and feel your site has.

    Let me know what you think as well as what the other colors are in the levels.
    I can make them smaller if you would like.

    Attached Files:

  4. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Wouldn't this go on graphic request?
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Yes indeed! Thanks for the reminder. :)
  6. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

  7. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    Sorry :hide:

    But yes I want rank images :)
  8. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    That size is perfect (even a little bigger would be fine). Maybe if you could add a little more black but if not I could deal with those.
  9. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

  10. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    Sorry bout this. I got a few extra things come in and also got side tracked with my forum.

    Will upload them as soon as I get them done.
  11. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    Sounds awesome. Thanks MomCafe!
  12. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    Let me know if these are ok. I changed them around a bit.
  13. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    Perfect! Thanks a bunch.

    Quick question...how should/do I add these to my users postbit.
  14. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    If you're using vBulletin, then: AdminCP -> User Ranks -> Add New User Rank. :)
  15. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept


    On accident when adding the labels like how Nick said for the amount of users (or what evere it says..instead of 1 it became 10000000 since my keyoard spazzed out. My board is all screwed up now and I cannot access that page without it freezing. How can I manually get rid of the user ranks? I really need help ASAP and it is extremely appreciated.
  16. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Can you go through phpmyadmin? Look in the _ranks table.
  17. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    I can't logon to phpmyadmin for some reason.

    It's your database username and the password right? If so, it isn't working.

    EDIT: Nevermind I found out how to logon...Im checking the stuff now
  18. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    Where would I find it though?
  19. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    In your CPanel if I am not wrong.
  20. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    godaddy doesnt have cPanel.

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