Looking for Rank Images Could someone possible make me some labels (I believe that is what they are called) My site is sportsloungecentral.com and as you can see we have a Red and Black skin so I would need them to go good with the skin. I would need them for: Administrator Super Moderator Moderator GFX Member Member Banned Thanks!
I am not sure what you were looking for in size but here is a sample of what I started on in the same color scheme and feel your site has. Let me know what you think as well as what the other colors are in the levels. I can make them smaller if you would like.
That size is perfect (even a little bigger would be fine). Maybe if you could add a little more black but if not I could deal with those.
Sorry bout this. I got a few extra things come in and also got side tracked with my forum. Will upload them as soon as I get them done.
IMPORTANT QUESTION: On accident when adding the labels like how Nick said for the amount of users (or what evere it says..instead of 1 it became 10000000 since my keyoard spazzed out. My board is all screwed up now and I cannot access that page without it freezing. How can I manually get rid of the user ranks? I really need help ASAP and it is extremely appreciated.
I can't logon to phpmyadmin for some reason. It's your database username and the password right? If so, it isn't working. EDIT: Nevermind I found out how to logon...Im checking the stuff now