Looking for Admin's/Staff.

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by NadJ, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. NadJ

    NadJ Regular Member

    Hello there,
    I'm currently setting up a site similar to GumTree.com, The diffence is the site I'm currently creating is purely dedicated to selling motorbikes. ((MotorBikeSite.com)).
    One problem! As most of you will know Classified ad sites usually get alot of spam/scams so most of them will be heavily staffed.

    I currently run several other projects as long as working and running a business. Which is a problem as I won't be able to be on the site 24/7. My team that currently run my projects/sites/businesses are helping along the way but I would like to recruit moderators/admins to help run things smoothly e.g. looking for spam ad's, scams, responding to reports, looking at flagged items and occasionally helping out with email's.

    Usually I have a team I use but taking on a big project like this I wouldn't know were to find the staff. Free of charge of course, Wouldn't be able to promise money in return as it's a start up. Admins would need to just check things once in a while. Pretty sure most forum admins work for free and do it in their spare time.

    Would anyone be able to help find me staff or redirect me too sites or could you help yourself? Or am I asking to much? Inputs welcome.

    The site is MotorBikeSite.com but the site is currently being built as we speak should be done in a few days, It was set up as I'm a biker and after an accident (Some clown hit me with his car! His Fault) I wanted to buy another bike went on the usual Ebay, Don't really like bidding, Bikes were over priced and I didn't find the options suited to me very well plus it was bid to buy so you couldn't view prior to buying/bidding. Then I tried Gumtree.com and not really any luck didn't have a lot on. Then I tried obvious domains like Motorbike.com ....etc no site's were loading, had no content or were for sale. Then I tried my last option going to a dealer! After being Head bitten for the dealer to go for a finance as soon as I walked in to door I finally looked at the prices! Too over priced, Not Blaming them of course they have wages and tax. So to now cut a long story short I thought i'd create a place just for selling Motorbikes.

    Sorry for the essay :),
    Thanks for reading and thanks in advance.
  2. Dillon Lawrence

    Dillon Lawrence Regular Member

    I hope your idea works out, but how are you planning to promote the site?

    Moderators also usually have an interest in the topic, and some may even be well-known members that have been offered the chance to be a moderator. They don't just simply appear even when you do ask random bike enthusiasts.

    Also, is your site still up, as I see a 'maintenance' message, and out of interest, what forum software are you using?
    pixelek likes this.
  3. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    same here.....maintenence info still showing up......
  4. NadJ

    NadJ Regular Member

    Promote the site through ad's, I've got the money to run this so does my team.
    I also have a advertising solution that should work.
    I know Admin's don't just show up but I didn't want people from within the site.
  5. NadJ

    NadJ Regular Member

    I wanted people that already knew what they where doing.

    Yes the site is in maintenance mode whilst the team and I finish up and get it ready for roll out.
    Sorry for the quote I accidentally posted whilst typing :(
  6. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    You want to hire admin who will not be from within your site? Its not very wise move.... at least not with "fresh" (young) site.....
  7. NadJ

    NadJ Regular Member

    Yeah I understand were you are coming from but not forgetting staff already there are my team so new staff can't get out of control.

    My idea was based around people on the site we have favourites and enemy's so being staff could make them biast against reports etc... It's not a forum either so trust isn't all needed as the work is minimal and there isn't much harm they can do for the site If they do turn out to be incompitant idiots.

    Taking in your advice It could be something I need to think about then. It's not the first site I run/own but it is the biggest and most money making. Maybe I ought to run things differently.

    Thanks for your advice. This is why I came here to hear your inputs. I might know what I'm doing but we all need advice sometimes.
    pixelek likes this.
  8. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    Very much true..... thats what forums are for......

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