look who's back

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, May 6, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    it has been so long since i have come around and i have already seen some familiar faces...

    after being away for so long i thought maybe i should re-introduce myself to all members new and old.

    for those who do not know me, my name is Ken, i live near and work in Charlotte, NC. I run IT support for SMB who do not staff their own IT personel. We support everything from the basic computer needs on up to advanced networking so my days are about as unpredictable as they get. I'm still trying (4 years running) to get in the Marines after my initial DQ on a medical. I'm actually getting very close again as recent changes have given me new doctors to work with...

    I live alone right now with my 2 dogs, Rosco and Sissy - a 1/2 GSD and a Yellow lab/GSD mix respectively. My wife and 8 month old daughter now live in KS where my wife's family is.

    I've been working on my golf game recently - i shot under a 90 the other week, something i've yet to do again... must have just had a very lucky day.:laugh:

    i'm going to try and stop in a bit more these days so i'm looking forward to seeing old friends again and making new.

    see you all around,
  2. Michelle

    Michelle Regular Member

    It's nice to see you back Ken, and thanks for the updates. :)
  3. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome back, Ken. We've missed hearing from you. I hope you get to go into the Marines if that's what you want. Good luck with that. Thanks for the updates.

  4. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Ken, welcome back...and thanks for letting us know what's going on. I know that being a long distance dad is not easy. Anyway, I'm glad you came back and rejoined the group. Liz
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hope all is well with you Ken. I've been around off and on myself.

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Ken, welcome back! I take it Leah got there safely? I'm sure she's been busy with unpacking and settling in, but I hope to hear from her soon.

    Hope all is well!
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks all for the warm welcome back.

    couple more updates i'll post in the monday section.

    as far as leah getting settled in and unpacking - she's not yet unpacked, the townhome they had aranged to rent was substandard and they passed... she's staying with family and working up enough money to bring herself, Nikki and all personal possesions back home. i'm sure we can all hope and pray, but i'm starting to feel quite confident that all lessons that could be learned shall escape us. It's too bad, as the situation turned for the worse yet presented its self to us in a nature that could have certainly showed a true test of character. i'm sad to report the results are not as i had hoped they would be. On the bright side, it will not be long before i have my family back together and i will continue to attempt baby steps in reparations and maturation. in the mean time it would be nice to hold my little girl again.

  8. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Welcome back Ken! It's been a long time. I hope everything goes well.

    Dave :D
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