Logo Request.

Discussion in 'Graphics Requests' started by tech, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Type of Graphic (A logo, avatar, banner, etc.): Logo
    Colors: Green/black and just dark colours
    Text Preference: SFGaming
    Specific Images to be included: None, However if you think it would be better then I've included links to the characters (forces), Weapons and Maps.

    ijji - Where Gamers Unite!

    ijji - Where Gamers Unite!

    ijji - Where Gamers Unite!

    Size (in pixels): Non specific but 400x80 as it also needs to fit on the forums (currently doing the homepage) so it cant go higher in length or the style will mess up the navbar however can be large in length if needed.

    Payment/Offer in return (if applicable): Im currently holding a logo event on the forums (non exclusive) which involves in-game items for the game Soldier Front, But as you probably wouldn't want that the in-game items total up to $20 so therefore i would be able to give you $20

    Any other details or specifications: Just the PSD.

  2. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Anyone up for the challenge? A nice $20 =) (i know its not much but its the equivalent of the prize)

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