Logo Idea's for OKJT

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by jokerswild, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    I don't have time to work on one right this moment but wanted to start a thread for folks to put their ideas in and the best ones will be put to a vote...

    I should have something in the next day or so....
  2. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Awesome Rob. Thank you. We'll coordinate, I still haven't picked out the style we'll be using. Some style's come with editable PSDs to make things easier. :)
  3. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    You just know there has to be a mic in there somewhere...
  4. KarenB

    KarenB Regular Member

    Yeah, one of them high quality Nady wireless ones. HA HA :P
  5. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    I was thinking along the lines of a Big TV screeen with Our KJ Talk in a mock karaoke style text with of cours a microphone and a musical note incorporated yet....

    I have an idea in the back of my mind I just need to work on it in PhotoShop
  6. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    Sounds Good to me
  7. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    I was thinking of my avatar.....;)
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You mean the one here where you are eating a lemon?
  9. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    I'm tellin' ya, the yellow cover is my way of makin' sure no one "accidentally" uses my mic, darn it! :rolleyes::D
  10. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    The idea is to have a cool logo.... not sayin you ain't cool or nothing... but, we also don't want that cool logo scareing no one away either....

    Love ya brotha... hahaha
  11. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    Here's a first draft idea....
  12. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    I like it, especially for starting out, Nice Work Rob
  13. DannyGKaraoke

    DannyGKaraoke Regular Member

    I like it too
  14. Randy A

    Randy A Regular Member

    Do you have rights to display that on a monitor? hahahaha :p
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Too busy Rob, needs to be simplified!
  16. Randy A

    Randy A Regular Member

    I think using the existing ODJT logo, with a modification of a monitor and mic instead of the little head phone guy; obviously it would OKJT too.
  17. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Thanks Rob. I like what I see so far... I'll have to look at the PSDs. I believe it has to be a transparent PNG to accommodate our on the fly color changer (top left)

    That's what I was thinking. I really don't want to harass Hank though. He's been so kind to us thus far.
  18. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    That's easy to do.... if I can get my hands on the ODJT PSD I may be able to modify it.

    Saving as a transparent PNG is no problem I would just drop the background.
  19. KjAthena

    KjAthena Regular Member

    since Kroakie has been mentioned a few times I vote for the singing frog top hat and bow tie are optional:D
  20. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    I have the PSD sitting around somewhere. I'll mail it over to you in the morning.

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