Links & other questions.

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by orionpierre, Mar 21, 2001.

  1. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    PIT I would hope you take the time to understand where I was coming from regarding links.

    PIT after you modified my message I checked the FAQ's for the Site and for Water Cooler. No where is there any reference to any of the above mentioned items. Please note the FAQ entry for Water Cooler below.

    Please note that alien modified the FAQ in response to this comment.

    The link I mentioned was not an auction site and it was not a link to a personal website. Therefore it appeared to me to be an acceptable link which you apparently objected to for no apparent reason. Thinking the link was the problem I fixed it so it wouldn't show as a link. Which you didn't like either.

    As for off topic, the thread was discussing voting for AlienSoup at infopop as a great site. The objection being raised was that people from Alien Soup were signing up just to vote for Alien Soup. I mentioned that I had gotten to Alien Soup from Infopop was registered with Infopop (for other reasons) and could legitimately vote for Alien Soup. As an aside I mentioned that I had gotten to Alien Soup through Infopop from United Devices. I hardly think that is a serious off topic violation. At any rate Water Cooler says that this is where Off-Topic stuff goes. I would like to think that there would be looser guideline as to what is acceptable here.

    Now are you rewriting the FAQ's as you go? Is there one that I failed to read. I will be glad to read it and comply? I would hope you just don't go around making up rules on the spot.

    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by orionpierre on March 21, 2001 at 02:49 PM]</font>
  2. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    There was no link to any site that would profit me. Unless you count brownie points as a profit. What I was referring to is if someone registers at United Devices and puts my name down I will get a email and it would give me an opportunity to thank whoever and welcome them. However, the site does not belong to me, I do not profit from it by referring anyone. It is merely a place that I enjoy going to and wanted to share it with everyone here. What is so bad about sharing good experiences?

    I'm sure PIT is a good kid and trying hard. Either way, he made a mistake or there are more rules hidden somewhere else.

    Not being familiar with Alien Soup I didn't see any private messages until you mentioned it here. I read the FAQ's very carefully and I am addressing the mod here. Let's see what transpires for about five seconds and then forget about it.

    I admit I was irritated with PIT if you look at the post above you can see how it looks like PIT makes up rules as he goes.

    This uncool layman appologizes.

    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by orionpierre on March 21, 2001 at 02:51 PM]</font>
  3. possum37

    possum37 Regular Member

    Hey there!

    Sorry to butt my nose in here, but I figured it might be a good idea in order to keep things on a calm level. I think I remember the posts that are the background to this current thread. Might I suggest that a more proper way to discuss the deletion of your link is to contact the Mod who did so directly via Email, PM, or IM? Similarly, if another Mod has said or done something you take issue with, it might be a good idea to discuss things with *that* Mod via the same methods. If no resolution can be reached, Alien is always accessible thru the Help! forum, via [email protected] , thru PMs, and thru several IM programs too.

    I do understand you're a bit upset, but I also understand that there are better ways of handling this whole situation.

    And don't forget: just because the FAQs say... doesn't mean that a polite discussion with an Editing Mod might not get them to change their mind. I think that overall we're a pretty tolerant, flexible bunch.

    Hope I didn't overstep my bounds - just trying to defuse a situation before it even begins is all.

    My knob tastes funny.
  4. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Rules FAQ updated. .

    I'll excuse any previous infractions up to this date, as my description on links was not as clear as it could have been.

    "I'd like an order of fries, a quarter pounder with cheese, I love the light in your eyes, would you go out with me please? I am in love with a McDonald's Girl, she has a smile of innocence so tender and warm, she is an angel in a polyester uniform." - Barenaked Ladies
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  5. possum37

    possum37 Regular Member

    Man, I wish it didn't take me so long to type out my posts.

    I think PIT was reading the FAQ too:

    Again, I will re-iterate: what is called for in this situation is not a public attack on PIT, but rather, an Email or a PM. Mocking him out in public like that doesn't do anyone any good, really.

    My knob tastes funny.
  6. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    Thanks for your input Possum...I think things should be aired in public.

    PIT volunteered for the mod job, he is going to be subject to criticism, he needs to be able to take it. He can't be everybody's friend and censor messages too.

    Others may have thoughts on the subject and more people can learn from a public exchange.

    For example, Alien has made the FAQ's more clear. Personally, I don't see a problem with sharing favorite "hey check this out sites" but what the heck this is Alien's Forum and he writes the rules. That is fine with me.

    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by orionpierre on March 21, 2001 at 02:58 PM]</font>
  7. possum37

    possum37 Regular Member

    I agree: without the idea of a public forum, we wouldn't have much of an AlienSoup now, would we.

    I guess I should be a little more specific when I post, and not so diplomatic about things; it leaves things I say open to too much interpretation sometimes.

    What I was attempting to get across with my posts was several ideas:

    Firstly - there's a trail one follows when an issue like this arises. First you contact the Mod; then if the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you contact the Administrator.

    I worded my post the way I did so that everyone reading would understand that; I took it upon myself to use the opportunity as a teaching opportunity. What this thread started out as was the equivalent of a Email sent to every member of a workplace when the Email is more appropriately sent to one's supervisor. I don't think that's a good method of doing things around here, because after a period of time, anyone with any little complaint is going to flood the boards with what is the equivalent of a PM.

    Secondly - while we're all open to a good debate & discussion, we're not open to snide attacks on our members - be they Mods or Users.

    Let's be honest now. You weren't critiquing when you mentioned to PIT "Pit you're slacking off on your job...there's a link in a message." Nor do I think that when you said "Now are you rewriting the FAQ's as you go? Is there one that I failed to read. I will be glad to read it and comply? I would hope you just don't go around making up rules on the spot." that you were thinking with a cool head. You were upset and you posted without thinking first. The result of your posting with a hot head was a snide comment, and you were called on it by KNS. You apologized; thank you, that was very gracious, and a lot of users don't have the courage to do so after similar incidents. But please don't mistake that what you had said to him earlier was a "criticism", as you seem to say above - it most certainly was not. You were trying to start a shouting match, not a public exchange.

    This thread, I think, has *now* developed into a public exchange, once we got past the initial venom you were directing at PIT, and got onto some issues that do need some airing out in the open (like the importance for people to not only read the FAQ, but to help Mods & Admins *shape* it by suggesting clarifications and changes). Thank you for helping to turn the tome of this thread - this is indeed an opportunity for nearly every Souper to learn something from.

    My knob tastes funny.
  8. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Very good points...

    I agree, that if you or anyone else has a problem, the direct means is best.. If that does not work out to your liking, you do have the option of bringing it to me for resolution...

    If you'd rather open a more general topic on a rule, and whether or not you like it we always allow that if it is in a constructive tone without any attacks.

    We welcome our users thoughts and feelings on any of our rules, or anything we do or say. We of course reserve the right to limit that if it does end up no longer being constructive, in our sole judgement. You may not always get a response that is to your liking, but you're free to talk about it on Alien Soup.

    "I'd like an order of fries, a quarter pounder with cheese, I love the light in your eyes, would you go out with me please? I am in love with a McDonald's Girl, she has a smile of innocence so tender and warm, she is an angel in a polyester uniform." - Barenaked Ladies
  9. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member


    I disagree, little complaints can be dealt with and then removed from the forums very easily if there is no relevance to anyone else. If there is a relevance then others can air their opinions which can't be done in a private message. Most comments here, including little complaints, have the life span of a gnat. There is a mechanism to remove outdated messages over time built into the UBB software.

    The slacking off message was implied criticism. The implication that he was removing some links but not all.

    As, for the rest that was an observation and not in the least hot-headed. I was very cool when I wrote that because it was an explanation of my comments.

    PIT posted three rules which were not posted in any FAQ that I could find before I posted the comment. That sounds like he was re-writing the rules as he goes to me.

    The offer to read was an honest one which you are distorting. I read the FAQ's and I pay attention to them out of respect to Alien Soup and if there was one that I missed I am more than glad to read it. I am not too lazy to search for information or read it.

    I think KNS was more upset that I ignored her original private message which I didn't see. That is why she resorted to name calling.

    I don't have a problem appologizing. I'm even sorry that this has gotten blown out of proportion.

    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by orionpierre on March 21, 2001 at 03:58 PM]</font>
  10. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    I did not name call -- it seems you're taking certain things very personally, when in fact they were not intended as such. My use of the phrase "that is so uncool" is so atypical of the usual commentary I would give, and yet, it was the first thing that popped into my head when looking at the situation. If anyone, I was mocking myself with what you refer to as name calling. I assure you, I am above that sort of thing -- as are all of our mods. Immaturity is not an attribute we endorse on our staff, and we work very hard to keep it that way.

    Again though, rather than questioning this miscommunication (which if I were you, would seem very random), you opted to respond to it in a snide manner (i.e signing your posts the way you did.) I don't have to tell you this - you know perfect;y what you were doing...trying to make a not-so-subtle jab or poke back in response to something you regard as an insult directed toward you. Know that no one on our staff would so casually insult a member (espeically a new member) in such a petty fashion, and please hesitate to jump to conclusions.

    monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
    KNSinatra: you lie.
    monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

    En fuego, bebé.

    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by KNSinatra on March 21, 2001 at 05:39 PM]</font>
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