Link Exchange Available

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by tech, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Link Exchange Available

    I just finished re doing my site Design247.Net, which im bringing up later tonight and im offering 5 free link exchanges,

    To request one use this format:

    Website Address:

    After i have added it to the site ill post it confirming it, you then obviously have to add Design247.Net to your website if you dont want to untill its up then thats fine, after i do bring it up ill email you and also post in this thread.


    3 Left =)


    Design247.Net is now up and live.
  2. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Added, Where will the Design247 link be shown and when will it be added?
  4. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    We have a affiliate sub forum in our announcement forum. It will be posted there.
  5. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    Before I post it, is there a little summary of the site or something you want me to post also?
  6. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Design247 – Free HTML Templates including free ticket and live support
  7. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

  8. Mikey


    if you have an 88x31 button, i'd be glad to trade a link button on my site for a link on yours

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