Unfortunately, I can't get beyond the main page because you require registration to see anything else. But I feel your pain. It's only 59 entries though, so that shouldn't take more than an hour and a half or so. I tried very hard to organize mine in a way that wouldn't overload any page with too many inbound or outbound links and look like it was easy to find what the user was looking for. I don't know if you will change your permissions later, but my directory will be open to all visitors to view any listing. Floor pros will have to be registered to list, but all listings will go into moderation unless the member belongs to a special usergroup with more privileges. There's been several changes to the structure and a number of additional template edits, so there's still not many listings. But it's happening. Like your site though, many (if not most) of those wanting a listing will not be able to do it cold. I think I will have to create an illustrated guide to help them. Jim
If anyone is interested in how to edit your link directory feel free to ask me. You can have a look at my Link Directory to see what I have done, I am about to edit the link display page next, to remove last post, replies and views columns, I will re post here when I have done that to pass on "how to"
Thanks very much for this recommendation guys. I just bought the vBAdvanced Link Directory to replace phpLD. phpLD is fine software, but the vBulletin integration isn't up to par.
Has anyone integrated WSN Links with VB? I've used wsnlinks for quite awhile and love it, but have never integrated them before. I personally like this link directory better than any other one and I know it can be done, just need an outline of how much work I'm letting myself in for.
Sorry to hear you're moving down :uhh: We bridged vBulletin and phpLD successfully and its worked great for over a year. (I just updated phpld to 4.0, so I need to apply the integration edits again if you happen to check out our directory for a live demo)
I love it!. It's so easy to customize and has a lot of functionality. I got phpLD at the same time and actually never used it after I found it. I just haven't heard anything about templating with vB.
I've recently dropped vBadvanced Links Directory and went with phpMyDirectory.com. I am glad I did. I had to have a skin created to match the rest of the site, but the power and options from phpMD more then made up for it.