i noticed that in front of the new bg's, taz's avatar looks a bit faded, so i tweaked it: OLD:<IMG SRC="http://www.aliensoup.com/ubb/avatars/custom/00000704.gif" border=0> NEW:<IMG SRC="" border=0> up to you, of course, taz, but i didn't want your avatar looking droopy <edit> i've been spelling "avatar" "avator" for a long time - i feel like a moron </edit> ------------------ "...Another casualty of applied metaphysics." - Hobbes <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by monsieurjohn on January 03, 2001 at 02:28 PM</font>
I took the brighter version she liked from ya, and just recolored the peach in since that was her preference around the mouth. . Good work! ------------------ -Administrator / Owner "Everything was true. God was an astronaut. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed
kew, Awien, kew...thanks ------------------ Alien: ...I mean, your ass makes a noise...that's just...disturbing