Let's see your blogs!

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Brandon, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Do you run a blog, I have a few but my main one is www.brandonsheley.org
    Do you run a blog, is it successful, do you have any tips for anyone wanting to start a blog of their own?

    You can always start a blog here at Admin Talk if you would like. :thumbsup:

    DaUnknownAdm!n likes this.
  2. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    I run a couple dozen blogs but I don't keep them up as I should.
    There simply isn't enough time in a day to do everything.
    The blogs get placed on a back burner to the forums.
  3. DaUnknownAdm!n

    DaUnknownAdm!n Regular Member

    Mine is http://daunknownadmin.com/
    I mostly used it to podcast my live iradio shows. Nowadays I just use it to put up the occasion mix and to archive an old forum I had
    Brandon likes this.
  4. Miner

    Miner Forum Theme designer

  5. Jessi

    Jessi Regular Member

    I have a handful of them myself, but the main one I'm focusing on right now is:


    Don't worry. It's not a recipe site, so if you have no interest in recipes, then you don't need to avoid it. It's mostly food art, really weird food products, funny pictures, etc. I like to sum it up as "playing with your food" so I think pretty much everybody can have fun with it.
    Brandon likes this.
  6. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    I have a technical blog at http://blogs.newphoria.de , I use it mostly to keep track of personal projects and ideas. Here on Admin Talk, I have a blog as well. :)
    Brandon likes this.
  7. boatswife

    boatswife Regular Member

    You must be working on yours Brandon???? I'm getting a 500 internal server error.

    I just have a personal blog about our dogs. When our Beagle passed away last year, it helped me to focus on our two dogs that we rescued from the shelter. It's not a big deal and I find that I'm having trouble keeping up with it now. I need to get my camera out and start having some fun with them!
    Brandon likes this.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    nope, I'm not sure why it's down right now and I'm not really at a point that I can take a look
    it'll have to wait a bit, the forum is up so it's not that urgent
  9. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

    Are there blog categories on this site? (like vbulletin blog had)
  10. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I didn't see an option last night when I made a test post, it's been a few months since I've used this mod.
    I see the update will have categories plus a few more things.

    Unfortunately we can't upgrade to that version yet because the mod isn't compatible, but I'm hoping to very soon.
  11. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    You can find my blog here: http://familialramblings.com It's primarily about family, but also about relationships and sometimes I go on a bit of a rambling about other things as well. It's been up for a little over a year now and I like to think it's doing pretty well. :)
  12. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    My main blog is www.carlos360.com
    My niche blogs are:

    www.codnet.com - Call of Duty Network.
    www.cod7.net - Call of Duty Black Ops blog. It'll be merged into CODNet in the next few days.
    www.mw3blog.com - Modern Warfare 3 Blog. It's now a resource site.
    www.mw4blog.com - Modern Warfare 4 Blog. I'm working on a news piece to kick off this site soon.
    www.sfvstekken.com - Street Fighter x Tekken blog. It's now a resource site.
    www.tekkenxsf.com - Tekken x Street Fighter blog. It's going to be launched once the game is revealed. It's already been confirmed.

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