:nuts: Hello all! Just wanted to drop in and let you know I'm here. Be gentle I'm a virgin to this site. :tongue: Looking forward to meeting you all.
i see by your avatar you came sans clothing - that saves the official prober a step or two... welcome! :tongue:
Soooooooo, here we are dilly-dallying in the Newb Hatchery, Ms Ripley, and claiming to be a virgin no less. Veeeeery interesting. Very interesting indeed. It wasn't too awfully long ago you were over in Soupville claiming to be some sort of "nymphomaniac" ...Hmmmmmmm. Very suspicious. I'm new to this place as well, but I am NOT a virgin, so don't any of you weirdos get any ideas, and that includes you, Ripley. Virgin. Ha!
I have plenty of ideas Schizander. Your in most of them. Haven't you ever heard of the revirginization after a probing? It hasn't been leeked out to the masses for obvious reasons. :nuts:
I am? I mean of course I am. After all, I am your unofficial PAPTEST (Post Abduction Probe Trauma Evaluation and Stress Therapist) and as you may or may not know, that esteemed position gives me almost unlimited control over your thinking and idea formation. It's not a coincidence that I am the main focus of your attention right now, but not to worry, I am the consummate professional and would never take advantage of you while you are in such a vulnerable position. Once you start making real progress though, I might not be so understanding. Time will tell as you are so fond of saying. One of the first things which must be accurately determined by me is whether or not you were actually a virgin prior to being abducted and probed. Had you simply admitted you were NOT an unprobed virgin, then none of this would be necessary, but having already committed yourself to the virgin camp, you left me with no choice but to proceed with my very thorough (and fair) certified virgin determination which BTW comes with the Good Housekeeping Seal of approval. This is not one of those walk in places you know. A brief word now about this so-called "revirgination" which you mentioned. I'm not sure where you got this erroneous information, but as near as I can tell, it is simply another one of those absurd urban legends and nothing more. The reason it hasn't been "leeked" out to the masses is because it doesn't exist. What kind of aliens do you think we...I mean...what kind of incompetant alien would be so sloppy with his prober to have it all cancelled out by some type of bogus medical procedure? Ha! Never happen, Sister Ripley.
Thank you Ripley that was indeed a very nice hug. :hug2: Schizander did you just make a mistake? Sorry I do not know how to do quotes in here yet. But this is what you said Schizander. What kind of aliens do you think we...I mean...what kind of incompetant alien would be so sloppy with his prober to have it all cancelled out by some type of bogus medical procedure? Are you telling us that YOU ARE and alien? I can't wait to hear this.
I seldom if ever make mistakes, young lady. If you stay here long, you'll discover this to almost always be the case. I simply meant to say what kind of aliens do you think we are dealing with here, but I see you have chosen to put your own words into my mouth and make it sound like something else. It won't work. We...I mean they, are too smart for that. I don't know what kind of warped paranoid place you came from, but we Soupians aren't as dumb as you seem to think. An alien never admits anything,. Remember that. Aliens are a very secretive private group of extremely sensitive individuals who have been severely traumatized by you humans. And precisely who or what is behind this sinister diabolical plot to smear aliens? Your own government that's who, and I think you know the ones I mean. I suppose now you're going to tell me that you've never heard of those NSA/CIA funded Psy-Ops people in the unmarked black helicopters...the ones who mutilate cattle and other poor defenseless animals and then try and blame it on aliens...the hanger in the Nevada desert which is full of fake UFO aircraft...aircraft flown by sawed off human pilots. And what about that special unit of SFMB (Special Forces Midget Brigade) who dress up in those stupid looking green and grey latex rubber alien suits and go on secret clandestine pseudo-abduction missions? I suggest you start cooperating and being truthful for a change. This pretend stuff will get you nowhere. Oops, gotta run. It's almost pickle time. Ciao.
sorry for the late welcome here (been very busy and tied up lately). Glad you are here to brighten our group! Remember to have fun eh! :embarass:
Im new to this to it is good to see all the good humor and nice people on here. Looking forward to a bunch of good post and replies!!! :nuts: