Let me introduce myself..

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Natsumi, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Natsumi

    Natsumi Regular Member

    Anyway..being I dont have my profile set up yet until I am able to, I will introduce myself to others on here..My name is Natsumi Fukudome. I am 28 years old and from Shizuoka, Japan I am the only daughter of three brothers and also youngest. Now, I reside in the frontier of the great Pacific Northwest in Washington State. I enjoy it and feel comfortable living here. There is a high Japanese population so I am able to speak in my native tongue as well as English (sometimes used together!)

    Before college, I worked at my grandparents green tea farm in Shizuoka. It is known as the "Green Tea Capital" of Japan and in some people even the world. I did bookkeeping and thought It was time to move to a bigger more developed society. I've always been fascinated with how lax and open the western world is and now I will soon be a US citizen when I take the exam in April 2011 I have lived here for 4 1/2 almost 5 years.

    I had the objective to possibly earn a good education as I went to the University of Washington (Go Huskies! Jake Locker for Heisman!) I have a Master's in Automotive Design & Software Engineering with a minor in Political Science.

    Unlike like most girls how they grew up, other girls played with dolls while I learned to ride motorcycles and work on cars. So I also have a good mechanical aptitude for a female. I also will soon share pictures of my toys..I have a 2006 Pontiac GTO 6 Liter, and a Honda CBR 600 RR crotchrocket. I thought about getting a 1000 but this 600 is more than enough bike for me... I've wrecked every motorcycle i've owned so far i've had good luck with this one lol

  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Welcome to the forums Natsumi, outstanding intro!
    Sorry for the limit access, it's just one way we try to battle the spammers, also it gives everyone an idea of what kind of poster you may be, if you're just here to place a link and leave of not.
    Anyways, again welcome to the forums, let us know if you have any suggestions or questions and I'm looking forward to checking out your toys. :)
  3. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Hello and welcome to the forums, Natsumi! :shake: You have quite an interesting life story. I think you'll fit in great here and have fun.
    And good luck with your citizenship exam in 2011!
    About your profile, it will take a little bit before you can set it up- you have to be here for a little bit and have a certain number of posts I believe.
  4. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    Welcome Aboard.
  5. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Welcome to General Forums! :)
  6. icephoenix

    icephoenix Regular Member

    ok Now just to let you know you are the coolest and hottest girl I know now. :cool:
  7. Natsumi

    Natsumi Regular Member

    hahah I thought you were a girl? :rotfl: and thank you!

    ---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

    I'm getting close to 30 though..So I wouldn't say girl..i'm 100% grown woman..we Japanese women tend to keep a good youthful glow even as we age when we get older.
  8. icephoenix

    icephoenix Regular Member

    I am a woman. I am 28 years old. I just turned 28 actually in June. :D
  9. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    I never offically said hello - So hello.

    Your intro reminds me of a song "Allow me to introduce mysef - my name is spunky I like my oatmeal lumpy"


    Okay that's way old school but always gave me a good laugh and went over big in the bar. :D
  10. icephoenix

    icephoenix Regular Member

    God that song made me laugh soooo much!! I so need that. This week has been throwing punches at me. Well nice to meet you Big Dan. If you were talking to me and if not the same applies. There are a lot of cool people on this. It is nice talking to people that don't know you because you can act like yourself without ridicule.
  11. samortan

    samortan Regular Member

    Welcome here sweet mam ! :hug-right: I am also new here. Hope you will do good.
  12. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Hi Natsumi and welcome to GF
  13. icephoenix

    icephoenix Regular Member

    Hello to all the new people... Nice to meet all of you.

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