Legal Contracts

Discussion in 'Security and Legal' started by Darthmaul, May 19, 2011.

  1. Darthmaul

    Darthmaul Regular Member

    Have you ever undergone a forum project or website project where you have required all involved parties to sign a contract about legal issues and whatnot? Personally I haven't...yet, however I believe it is a very safe and efficient way to run a partnership.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    No I haven't, but yea its best to do that when going into a partnership with someone such as opening a company together.
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Probably not something that's needed for a forum partnership, but if you plan to run a host together, and perhaps if you wanted to split the cost of expenses and stuff, then a contract would be needed.
  4. Darthmaul

    Darthmaul Regular Member

    I guess not for a forum unless you were planning on making big bucks, I agree with you there.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea, if you are planning on something big and money is involved then contracts are needed.
  6. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I guess when it all boils down to it, it really all depends on the type of project the pair of you want to work on together.
    Darthmaul likes this.
  7. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Regarding running forums, nope. Regarding hosting then yes, as when you register you are agreeing to the TOS, etc. and that is your contract.

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