LearningPutty Logo Request

Discussion in 'Graphics Requests' started by RockinRobbins, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Howdy guys and gals!

    I would like to request a logo for my new blog. If anyone has the time, it would be super helpful!! Here are the details:

    Type of Graphic (A logo, avatar, banner, etc.): Logo
    Colors: open (purple maybe?)
    Text Preference: LearningPutty.com
    Specific Images to be included: Looking for a globby sort of character with a graduation cap on his head.
    Size (in pixels): 500 x 500 (something I can resize) in psd (preferably)
    Payment/Offer in return (if applicable): big virtual hug and a click on your "helpful post" button!
    Any other details or specifications: Would like it be a little humorous, but overall not too cartoony. Fun, but professional.

    If you have any questions please let me know!

    Thanks so much!!!
  2. Vec

    Vec Novice

    This is what i came up with, if you dont like, feel free to tell me ;)

    Attached Files:

  3. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    If it's a logo, I think 500x500 is a little too big, I'll try this too when I get home ^_^
  4. Hi Vec,

    Thanks, but looking for something that looks a little bit more like putty. :)

    but I love the graduation gown on him!

  5. Vec

    Vec Novice

    ok, well idk what u exactly mean by that, like more meshy?
  6. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    I'm not sure if you know this, but I'll post it anyway.

    Putty is an SSH client for accessing your site. It's a specific program. :)
  7. Vec

    Vec Novice

    actually, i have no clue what that is...
    I thought she meant like play dough or clay looking lol....

    Wait, i see now, sorry i was thing something totally different,
    it thought it was like a teacher's site,
    okay lol

  8. Hi there,

    Sorry I have been absent. Just got back from SMX East (great conference but I am wiped out!).

    When I say putty I mean like play-dough or clay... like putty that you use to fill cracks. I didn't know that it was an actual softward program. :o

    Sorry for the confusion!!
  9. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    OMG, I'm sorry. :(

    You were right, Chris! :)
  10. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    That was my thought as well.

    The good news is that the general population may not know about that program.
  11. Vec

    Vec Novice

    If you dont mind me asking, what type of people will this blog be aimed at?
    little kids, little kid's mom's, or older students such as high school - college
  12. No, don't mind at all... actually a really good point.

    The target market for the blog is learning professionals - such as people in the training and development departments for various companies and others that are involved in developing programming for employee development.

    Thanks for your interest in helping me out!! If there is anything else I can offer please let me know.

  13. Vec

    Vec Novice

    My second attempt:
    The dude is not really that "Putty" like, but i think he fits better than that other one i made,

    What do you think?

    Attached Files:

  14. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Hmm, that vector seems strange, vec. The lines don't look straight...and it's a vector. Am I the only one who notices that?

    Anywho, I'll see what I can come up with.
  15. Vec

    Vec Novice

    im sorry, i never learned how to use or make vectors (if you do make vectors)
  16. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    It's noticeable that you don't know, the image just looks edited all around.
  17. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

  18. VEC!


    I love him! He is perfect! You're right - he isn't globby, but this is so much better than what I asked for!!!

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!!! :sweet:
  19. Vec

    Vec Novice

    Glad i could help!

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