What was the largest forum you deleted? How many posts/members did it have? I know it's a random question, but it's an honest and serious question and my curiousity leads me to it. And by "deleted" I simply refer to deleting the entire site/all the files/the database/etc.
I think around 4k posts 400 members. My girlfriend did have a forum with a lot larger stats which she got rid of which had 22k posts and over 1k members.
cant remember how many members, but we had 15000 posts, and we didnt exactly get rid of it, its just that it was on proboards, and i had discovered phpbb, and didnt know if you could transfer over the posts and stuff so just made a new one and deleted the old one
My first forum, had around 1,000 members, 50,000 posts. There were too many forums for that particular niche, most of which were much better forums than my own. Although we had many members and posts, the site was not very active on a daily basis. We saw maybe 2-5 members visiting every few weeks. Given the lack of activity, competition, and cost to keep the site up I decided to focus my efforts on my second forum which was starting to really take off at that time.
That's not the point of this thread though. This thread simply asked what was the largest forum you deleted, not "Which is best? Deleting a forum or selling a forum?" in which there's an obvious answer.
About 2k members and 60k posts. I was trying to change some things and I ended up deleting the forums without any backups. I was new to forum running.
Largest site had 15K members and a little under 100K posts. It got over run by code thiefs who stole the user posted source and didn't attribute the use to the original poster.