lagging in the arcade

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by the_scarier_one, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. the_scarier_one

    the_scarier_one Regular Member

    i notice when i play a few of the arcade games (especially my fav, helicopter), the game lags a lot. i mean, maybe it's just my computer.. but that would be weird cause i play a lot of games and it doesn't lag this much... but who knows?
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    I just went into the arcade and played some Helicopter, and I don't get any lag at all.. Never have, don't know if anyone else notices a problem in Helicopter but it plays flawlessly for me..

    What are your computer specs? Processor? Ram? Browser version? Just curious... Do you still get lag right after you clear your cache as well? Hmm, keep me posted.
  3. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member

    Not having any lagging problems here either, especially with helicopter.. ahem... he he

    Flies like an angel :naughty:
  4. the_scarier_one

    the_scarier_one Regular Member

    i was just looking at my RAM. and methinks i need more... 256 MB... but see, i play other games and they're just fine i also have Pentium 4, 2GHz (so yea, that's about all i know how to find out). i have to ask my brother to add RAM... but i play diablo 2 and a *lot* of other games.. and i dont' find lag like when i use the arcade.. i use IE version 6 (i think)

    maybe it's the program that the arcade uses.. i dont' even know what it is.. java? quicktime? beats me, i should check.. i rarely update those thingies...
  5. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    shouldn't be a problem to play flash/shockwave games like this with 256 megs, unless something is eating up your RAM. close background programs and crap

    could also be the flash/shockwave software i guess
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Yeah, 256 megs is fine for flash games if you don't have a bunch of other things going on etc... Processor sounds perfectly reasonable as well as browser version...

    Have you tried clearing the cache, closing all browser windows, opening a new browser window after clearing cache and trying to load the game again? Or perhaps deleting the flash/shockwave plugins and reinstalling them?

    What flash version do you run? Latest is 7.x. Just trying to think off the top of my head...

    BTW, what are the other games you mentioned you play on your pc, Diablo II is quite a few years old and won't tax a 2.x Pentium IV. ;)
  7. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Maybe try checking your swap file setup? Or freeing up memory used by memory leaks?

    As for the swap file, optimal setup is a static size, located at the beginning of the first partition of your fastest hard drive. By default, Windows uses a dynamic sized swap file on your C: drive. This slows things down because Windows is constantly writing to the hard drive, changing the size of the file.
    A good defragmenting program, such as Norton SpeedDisk or Diskeeper, will move the swap file to the beginning of the drive, and defragment it for you.

    As for memory leaks, download MaxMem from It's completely free, very small, and works great. You may be surprised by how much memory is being wasted on your system from poorly written programs that have massive memory leaks. Freeing up that extra memory takes a few seconds and can mean a world of difference in performance.
  8. the_scarier_one

    the_scarier_one Regular Member

    Ok. I downloaded that MaxMem thing.. and it tells me that i only have about 30% free... probably not good.....

    i don't really know how to clear my cache.. (yea, i have a simple rule for dealing with computer stuff: don't download anything that you don't need, run spybot and antivirus regularly... and that's about it) i tried deleting the temp files and the cookies...
    i have the latest version of flash

    hmmm, and by a lot of games i mean a lot of the little flash games... i even play helicopter at another site and it works just fine ( has a bunch of games that are flash games and they all work fine).
    i play a bunch of shockwave games too (on their website.. at least they used to be there, haven't played in a couple of weeks... or maybe i made that up all together.... *thinks*... hmmm... i'll check that out)... but yea, i play a lot of flash games through other random sites too...

    and, in helicopter. it's always around a score of about 700 that it starts lagging for me. it's weird, too.. if you look at the high score table, Nuphoria had scores similar to mine but his time was a lot bigger than mine. when i got my scores there was no lag, but then the time shot up... maybe that makes no difference, but just offering it out there

    *sigh* beats me why it doesn't work for me... my computer is such a freak of nature.
  9. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member

    Yea. I have like 128... Actually, I think a friend put more in... ok, 196. I don't have any problems.
  10. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    you can use maxmem to clear the ram too, not just measure it

    just click the icon in the taskbar and it'll free up unused RAM.
  11. cosmichotspur

    cosmichotspur Regular Member

    I've just downloaded Maxmem in the hope that it will help as I suffer lag after playing games for a while too. Hope this will make a difference.

    Also, although I can't play some of the games - they just don't work for me for some reason!
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