Just so you know...

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by OutlawShadow, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    I am currently working on some reduced forums...all of the forums will stay, but some will be sub-forums. I do hope that you guys will take my ideas and make them work--I'm sure that reduced forums on the front page will make more people sign up. I'll let you guys know when I'm finished.
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey we'd gladly take a look.. While we generally shy away from sub-forums (and keep that in mind) we love suggestions so send them along! I do agree limiting the amount of forums will prove an asset.

  3. JediVampyr

    JediVampyr Regular Member

    Do you mean reorganise the AS forum structure or something, Xilicon?
  4. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    Yes. I'm working to try and get some people here, but, they feel like there are too many forums here, and that finding the right spot to post may be difficult.

    So, I'm working on it, and hopefully I'll have something ready for you guys by tomorrow.
  5. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey, I'll gladly take a look at what you have however we will probably still refrain from a bunch of subforums...

    I'm sure they can get used to the site (though I am trimming a little more and regularly work on this...). It's not that difficult from what I can see.. They can just pick a few interesting areas and stick to them if they like and broaden their view later... ;)

    They're missing out on a great community, and the start of something greater!
  6. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    Alright...here we go. I took it down from 25 forums to only 15, eliminating the use for subforums, as well. Here's what I got.

    Surely You Jest:
    Water Cooler
    Grosser than Gross
    The Playpen
    That's Entertainment*
    Funny Bone

    ...Don't Call me Shirley!:
    Youbie Newbie
    Planet Me**
    Soup Kitchen
    Holiday Haven
    Debate Detour

    Nerd Central***
    Gaming Gauntlet
    Net Notables

    The Mothership:
    Service Desk

    *- That's Entertainment consists of Music Studio, Movie Mania, The Boob Tube, Literary Lounge, and The News Room. I don't know if That's Entertainment should be the name of it, maybe something to do with the word media. I'm not sure how you want to handle that one. It's all one forum, no subforums included.

    **- Planet Me consists of that whole category: Me Meee Meeeee!, Gripes and Grumbles, Crisis Center, All in the Family, Dream Catcher. No subforums, once again, just all combined to one forum.

    ***: Nerd Central is the combination of Hardware Talk, Software Station, Webmaster Retreat. I'm not sure if you'd want Webmaster Retreat as a subforum or not, so I didn't write it as a subforum. Nerd Central doesn't have to be the name, but, it was just something to hold the spot.

    You guys can play around with that however you want to...I won't care, and hopefully, as I keep referring people here, more will come because of a reduced amount of forums. I think that this new system makes it easier for people to find where to post, and it'll attract new members.
  7. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Personally, I prefer having it all broken up. If you want to post about a book, then you go to Lit & Poetry. If you have hardware questions, you go to Hardware Talk. I say it's working fine the way it is - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  8. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    I tend to agree with Mth on this one. I like having things broken up. :nod:

    I don't know why people have such a difficult time looking at forums that have a lot of separate areas to post in. Just post in areas that interests you as far as I'm concerned. to be honest with you, I find more areas to post in welcoming. It gives me more to talk about that I may not otherwise consider. :winkgrin:
  9. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey thanks for your suggestions!

    I'll think them over a bit.. While I think a few of your ideas broaden things a little too wide I certainly agree about shortening the overall list just a tad more...

    Thanks for the help!

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