Just dropped by..

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by lucasbytegenius, May 8, 2011.

  1. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    Hey all,
    Saw Kaiser post on the MyBB forums about the interview with MattRogowski there, and thought I'd join :)
    Looking forward to being a part of the community.
    Kaiser likes this.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Hey there! Thanks for joining AdminBB :) When you first joined I thought you were spam because of you username :P

    Anyways if you need anything just ask :thumbsup:
  3. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    lol. Well, I'm not a spammer, so, don't hammer me :P
    And I sure will! Thanks.
    Kaiser likes this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Nah, don't worry about it.. Haha I was thinking when is he going to start spamming so I can be sure he is a spammer and ban him lol.

    Good to have you here :)
  5. xPWN1t

    xPWN1t Regular Member

    Welcome to the forums. I'm sure you're going to enjoy it here :).
  6. Bamboo

    Bamboo Regular Member

    Welcome to AdminBB. Hope you enjoy your time here and if you need any help just contact a staff member:thumbsup:
  7. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Welcome to AdminBB :)
  8. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    Thanks guys :)
    And @xPWN1t, nice to see a familiar face :)
  9. AbuTaj

    AbuTaj Regular Member

    Hahaha, I've done that before too.
    Never assume.

    Welcome lucasbytegenius, you spambot you!

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