Well, it seems a lot of the threads on this site are like closed from posting.. Not an abnormal amount but everytime I click one its lick archived or closed and you cant post. There is no like clear identifier for when this occurs other than like a small text at the bottom.. Maybe you could like add something to make it clearer you cant post.. I mean this is nitpicking but just something I noticed..
This is just an example http://admin-talk.com/threads/4010/page-3#post-39115 then they have the little You have insufficient privileges to reply here. .. I am just thinking there should be something like more informing that the thread is closed. Like in vbulletin you can add the message at the top like a notice when they are closed.. I mean its not a big deal.. But I noticed any post thats archived you can not reply too.. Im too lazy to search so I just grabbed that one LOL.. But its just an idea maybe some kinda thing letting people know..Just an admin quirk of mine lol
Just under the header details and also below the topic pagination you should get this message: Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Perhaps it should be made a little more clearer???
Yeah I think it would be better if it was more visible and what not.. I mean its really me knit picking but.. I like to bother Brandon from time to time
I like the feedback, honestly I agree it could be more noticeable, I'll bring your suggest to xenforo since this is really a core design flaw.