Joystick Required

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Code Monkey, May 21, 2013.

  1. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    I finally put my first XenForo forum up live. This forum has been around for almost 10 years. However it has been shut down for the last 2 1/2 years. It used to focus mainly on a single game which is now also shut down. With the hard economic times of recent years, my former health issues and no game, we shut it down.

    However the community was tightly knit and continued to congregate of FB and such. So with my health improvements, a great deal on a host, and my love for the community I brought this one back and am tweaking the emphasis a bit.

    It's main focus was a space sim game Jumpgate that ran for about 11 years. However people always posted about other games as well. So now the focus is gaming with an emphasis on space simulation games. I believe Chris Roberts is leading the way into another golden age for the genre so I went for it.

    I have tweaked John's xenfracture style and plan to do a lot more. I can't seem to find anyone willing to do graphic work though. Everyone just wants to do whole styles. Anyway, I liked the basic colors of the style so I got it to work with as a base style. I still need to get a bg image and finish all the style tweaks I have planned. Lot's of work to do.Check it out. Any feedback is much appreciated

    Joystick Required Forums

    And no, a joystick is not really required. It's just a space sim thing. ;)
    Dan Hutter and Brandon like this.
  2. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    I should add that I deleted about 2500 0 post users. I used to code a lot of game tools and many peeps only registered for that. Plus many were banned spammers. I wanted to clean it up even though many think member counts are important. All the old bad emails just cause problems.
    Brandon likes this.
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Hello @Code Monkey

    Congrats on the conversion from vbulletin and I really like what you've done with the style. It's very clean and smooth looking, I have adblock so I don't know if you run any banners or not.
    You might contact @MsJacq I've seen her do some banner work or you could always start a 20$ contest on @digitalpoint to see what they can do. That's what I usually do if money is tight and I need something done quick.

    Have you thought about rebranding the site, maybe with a new URL or merging it with other space game forums, if their are any?
  4. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    I thought I was re-branding it. :D

    Do you mean change the domain?

    And no, I need to get this one going before I think of buying and merging. This really isn't a money making site. It only exists because of the community and my fondness for it. Though you never know what the future holds.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Changing the name and domain name.
    I got ya :)
  6. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    So you think the name isn't appealing? I've thought about it but I haven't gotten any, let's say, encouragement from long time members about that. The name was actually coined by a co-founder way back in the beginning who then quickly flaked out and disappeared. So there's that. :D As you know me from back in the day Brandon, I'm more of a coder than a community guy. Though I am forced to do both. *shrugs*
  7. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Very slick style. I likely. It's good to see you on the XF side of things; I was always a fan of your vB mods.
    Brandon and Code Monkey like this.
  8. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Thanks Dan.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Well I mean it's a nice name but I guess it seems a bit dated?
    I'm not a gamer at all but I don't know if the new generation would know what a joystick is, but then again I guess you see them in arcades with upright machines.
    I picture the atari joystick when I think of a joystick.
  10. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Chris Roberts has crowd sourced over ten million dollars for his new game Star Citizen so there are quite a few that understand the meaning as a complex flight controller. But I understand your point of view. I guess it's designed to attract those that know. Hopefully
  11. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Here is a joystick for you Brandon. Best ever made.

    Attached Files:

    Brandon likes this.
  12. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    That's pretty hot!
  13. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Yeah too bad they don't make them anymore. You can still find them and there is a guy on ebay that rebuilds them. He bought out all of Microsoft's parts.

    Best one for realistic physics space sims.
    Brandon likes this.
  14. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    We put up a new site logo today designed by @MsJacq. Thanks for the referral Brandon. Some new node icons as well but those need some work still.

    Brandon likes this.
  15. VegitoTM

    VegitoTM Regular Member

    I really like the logo and style the board goes for, it seems very interesting I might just have to pay it a visit.

    I wish you the best of luck in every way regarding this forum.;)
  16. Uzi

    Uzi Regular Member

    I've joined this forum and honestly it's very frustrating that posts have waiting approval, it's one of the things I hate most about some forums. Seriously you can't just have more staff on to moderate posts after they get posted? Good luck with it though.
  17. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I'm sure it's a matter of once you get X post then you don't have post in moderation. We do a similar thing here and if people are really interested in the topic they will understand and go through that to interact on the forums.
    Maybe a notice or something to let new users know would help, not sure if CM's site has one or not, we have one here but it was almost a year before I got tired of users asking the same thing over and over before I got around to adding
  18. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    It's three posts and I'm pretty confident UZI knew in advance of the requirement. Notice the site is spam free. Well, it's going to stay that way. We also have a suggestions forum on that site for member suggestions.
  19. thebrad

    thebrad Regular Member

    Looks amazing man, it seems every forum i see now is xenforo !! i can see why though because the amount of features xenforo has compared to ipb or phpbb or anything related to that its unreal

    About forum: I think the theme is quite good suits the layout and banner of the forum goodjob keep up the good work!
    Code Monkey likes this.
  20. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    All updated to XenForo 1.2 final. Started adapting the resource manager to be used for game listings and reviews. I replaced the XenForo ratings stars with our new Joystick Ratings for the RM. I thought that was a good branding move and @MsJacq did the images for me. We're also using them in XMG as shown in the image below.

    Dan Hutter and BamaStangGuy like this.

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