Hey, To all members of the secretive club. I have an issue with this forum: www.savs.co.uk When you're in a topic such as; Staffs VW - SAVS.co.uk | VW Audi Forum | Seat, Audi, Volkswagen (VW), Skoda the image to reload the page that's in the topic set of links (I know there's a bloody term for the links I just can't think of it) due to me installing vbseo and the facebook design has got issues with loading. It's trying to load http://www.savs.co.uk/images/styles/new_facebook/iconimages/volkswagen-forum/staffs-vw_ltr.gif as if there is an image directory in each forum category, when it should be loading http://www.savs.co.uk/images/styles/new_facebook/iconimages/ltr.gif or something close to that. Has anybody has similar issues with a template from vb.org, and with using vbseo? Hope somebody more knowledgeable with vb can help. All the best, Moi.
Well neither of those image links work haha You have to read through that thread A LOT!! There are so many fixes in there it is not even funny. The theme maker just like gave up on it or something...There are some good people in that thread how have made fixes though...like I said