Is xenForo Dying?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I think maybe at the hectic pace everything has been going at that maybe (hopefully) Kier and Mike just need a break. However a short little note just to update people on what is happening would be greatly appreciated.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    And that's all anyone is asking for.
  3. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    It would be obvious to anyone reading my posts that I have a lot to say about how Kier/Mike/Ashley have run the company specifically with regards to suddenly stopping posting and a stone-wall of silence. I don't agree with the way they treat customers, but accept this is probably cause and effect: They don't have any customer skills, so they don't appreciate the importance of open communication, even if to tell us things are hard off-Xenforo. I also have a lot to say about the fanboi-clique, the bigots who jump on any thread and ruin it, and they alone are responsible for me, a paying licence holder, to feel it necessary to get things off my chest in alternative forums.

    But I don't agree with the comments about Brogan. Sorry AWS, I know this is your forum and I don't agree with your opinion. The Brogan I've seen has been massively helpful to members and his contribution to Xenforo has been prolific. Kier and Mike have a lot to thank him for, without his contributions they would have been stuffed as a public facing company. As for moderation and the playground mentality, you only have to look at the clique of bigots on there to understand why sometimes, he has to be a little bit blunt and just get the job done. As with any moderator or admin, he's dammed either way, whatever he does.

    Yes maybe though it is time for a change. Brogan's status shows this is getting to him, he is starting to react, which is the point he can probably no longer function as an objective moderator. As long as he moderates there thinking this is personal - which I guess from what I have read it probably is - how can he best serve the customers? I hope he doesn't leave though, he has - and still can - help an enormous number of people and let's face it, Kier and Mike just aren't posting again, despite all the hope generated by Kier's "return" (which was seemingly just to spend a week converting Space Battles).
    2 people like this.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Brogan is posting, I made a reply in a thread last night he also posted a few times in to help a guy over a mobile theme. He's not gone anywhere, think the mods are just using ANON mode all the time, only showing themselves online when they want to be seen. Do the same myself at XenForo, I use ANON all the time and I'm going to make my profile private as well so only people I follow can view it (like some of the fan-boys do).

    There's quite a few of the fan-boys and fan-girls using ANON mode there to hide themselves when posting snide remarks, something I noticed long ago. So why not jump on the same bandwagon and we'll start doing it? Comical!
  5. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Just because it's my community doesn't mean I am always right and everyone has to agree with me. In fact this place would be dull and boring if everyone did.

    I have no problem with the support Brogan gives. In fact he does a fine job there and his support is top notch.. It's his moderation skills that are lacking. I agree that the fanboys are ruining most threads. Maybe if Brogan took a more active role in shutting them up he would look much better. As it is now he doesn't moderate any thread until a valid concern is posted. Then he's quick to close the thread. Seen it happen too many times. The fanboys can go on and on until the cows come home and he does nothing. A valid concern from a customer and he pounces.

    Fanboys at xenforo are out of control and they are hurting the community as much as Kier and gangs absence is.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    This recent post just spotted made on Admin Extra might interest you Bob.


    Interesting AzzidReign should say though, that it's s blatant rip-off of his theme. Because take a look at this one here at "XenFocus" and compare them both. Know what I think, if anything it looks very close in design to that "very popular" mass sold theme on XenFocus! Some things have obviouslly been taken from that style, such as the Search Box design just for starters.

  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well, it looks like that thread on Admin Extra with AzzidReign having a pop about Brogan was the last straw. He's jacked in moderating at XenForo and must say I feel sorry for the guy, don't think he should have jacked and ignored it all.

  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I think it's perfectly right that he's packed in moderating.

    Not because he didn't do a good enough job, but because the abuse he has taken is way too much. I didn't want him to quit, speaking as a customer, but I did want him to quit speaking as a person because he should not be subjected to that kind of abuse.

    I have been in similar positions before over volunteer roles on forums- the most famous of which is the very reason my site exists today - and Brogan's position will have been extremely unpleasant for him recently.

    In short, I'm glad he's gone, but only because he does not deserve the treatment he got. I hope certain people are satisfied now they have forced him out. They should be ashamed of themselves.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    So what now then? No developers online and now no moderators. That only leaves Lawrence moderating left, who I read post recently saying he works tons of hours in a new job and why he's hardly ever there. Which is fair enough, your paid job has to come first!
  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Sadly, very sadly, I think the party is coming to an end.
  11. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I hope it doesn't. The more competition the better. I liked the way it was heading and even converted 2 sites to xenforo. With what has gone on the last couple months I converted one back to IPB and will do the other next weekend.

    Sad state of affairs they got going on over there.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well I'm reading on AX that moderation has been passed over to "Ashley". Hmm, no offence but you see him online about 2-3 times a week for 5 minutes each time. That's not gonna work obviously, unless he now starts showing his face as much as Brogan's been doing daily. It feels like XenForo is coming to a fast conclusion now, things are a shambles I'm sorry to say!

    I just don't get it though? Kier shows his face online for a few days regular while talking about his "Spacebattles" forum conversion, proving he can find the time to actually do it. But for the wrong reason really when people are still waiting to hear some news posted from him, it's crackers!
  13. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Unusual quote from Brogan, "Ashley or another member of staff can deal with it", note the lack of Kier and Mike from that statement.

    If it's the case he has stopped moderating AND stops answering member questions, that's a serious loss for the Xenforo community.

    Seems odd he would quit for these reasons, based on his previous 19,000 posts, he never seemed to let people get to him. In fact it's as odd as Kier no posting and Mike vanishing.

    I think all of us customers need to start thinking about a Plan B again. And Mike or Kier URGENTLY need to post about this. Who is moderating now? What staff are actually available?
  14. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Lets see what things look like in a couple days over there. I'm beginning to think there is a big announcement on the horizon and not the kind of announcement many customers will want to hear.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    He's already lost his RANK as moderator, check his posts and what it now shows displayed below his avatar. That means also, somebody has removed his moderator status and that would require an ADMIN do that for him. So either Kier, Mike or maybe Ashley have done it, yet none can be bothered to say anything about the situation in an announcement.

    They just don't care and I agree with you Bob and Mark.B. I think something is coming soon, you can sense it because of how things are being dealt with and lack of caring about customer concerns in general. A real shame to see how they was so optimistic before about things, then since it's like they are not bothered anymore.

    EDIT: Brogan has even removed his avatar now from XenForo, that says it all he's gone for good!
  16. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    My guess - either Brogan had enough of the non communication from Kier & Co while he has to clean up the mess that creates and takes all the heat for it

    and / or

    Kier & Co have reached a settlement with IB or are going to declare BK or something along those lines.
  17. Turtile

    Turtile Regular Member

    I don't think this is surprising. This was the whole point of the lawsuits... They need money to fight back but they probably can't get anymore due to their financial status. Not only that, they have to make a living!

    My assumption is that development has halted on Xenforo so they can work on the side just to pay their bills. If this is the case, they wouldn't want to make this public since it will make a mass exodus from the software.
  18. Lucas

    Lucas Addict

    AWS you're a douche. I wonder if you will play that game now and delete my comment. It's people like you that up the good things. Get off your high horse this site is not even worth it anymore.
  19. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    I always love people who seem to think their opinion is the only one that is right and everyone else is a douche...
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well see Forsaken has been running around on XenForo "monkey style" trying hard to get a negative response from a few and start a flame war. Posting first on Brogan's profile comments aimed at AWS, then posting silly replies in that Brogan leaving thread. What a TROLL, but then we always knew that!

    View attachment 2163

    Unfortunately for she|man, nobody could be bothered replying.

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