Is xenForo Dying?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    I had a lengthy post composed until my browser decided to go back a page. I'll keep it very brief.

    As a company, when you aren't transparent with your customers or users of your product, do expect issues to arise. I would comment further, but some of you know who I am. Because I'm affiliated with a particular admin forum and may personal opinions may be misconstrued as the reflections of that site, I will hold my personal opinions to myself.

    OT: Congrats on the purchase, Bob, I believe that's your name.
  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Do a search in the Off Topic forum at XenForo for a thread called "Has Mike Sullivan of XenForo left?", Jake Bunce is giving the impression he's not left saying he sees Mike login to XenForo each day (hidden in Anon mode). So why not show his face then and squash all rumours, and all that does is give off the impression games are being played with customers keeping them guessing. Somebody else also said Mike answered his support ticket last week in the same thread to confirm further he's still around at XF.

    I see that "Forsaken" has made a comment in it about me saying I starting the rumour on my Blog, he needs to get his facts straight. I was told by his buddy in crime "Azhria Lilu" in twitter first using Private PM, so if he wants to point his finger anywhere, he should point it at his friend from Admin Extra. Who claimed she was 100% sure he'd left coming from another first to her (in the known). I really love how they all kept their mouths shut saying nothing, using me as a mouth piece for them. And now act like they never said anything at all and I just started a rumour!

    When in fact, they was the ones running around using Private PM in twitter telling others Mike Sullivan left and they knew if for sure, hoping somebody would ask the question for them, too scared to open their own mouths in public.
  3. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    Lisa is a dear friend of mine. Can you please provide facts regarding this claim?

    EDIT: Note, I'm not getting into this XenForo debate. I just want to prevent any FUD spread about someone who has personally helped me grow to where I am today.
  4. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Kier hasn't posted for 10 days now and Mike has not posted since March, so is it any wonder people are asking about it particularly if Mike is now allegedly
    invisible online? Yet again these are not seen as valid questions but an excuse for fanbois to troll and flame. These threads need to be personally answered by Kier, Mike or Ashley and then if they like, closed. They need to take a leaf out of IPB's book, they deal with this type of thing superbly. You answer and KEEP answering customer questions even if they are the same thing over and over again. It's called customer care. Anyway, Slavik has closed it now, because everyone is happy that someone had a support ticket answered by Mike last week. That makes it all OK, I should stop worrying the product and the developers are going down the pan.
  5. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Gary please edit the personal stuff.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    If you want it removed Bob, the "FACTS" I posted about Lisa from Admin Extra telling me that. Feel free to do so, as I can't because edit time limit has expired. See you around!
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I never edit any post that are not made by me. If you state facts then they can stay.
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I see a thread was closed because Mike answered a support question and Jake see's him online.

    That leaves me asking only one question.

    Since you are obviously online albeit invisible to customers why would you not at least post a "hey I'm alive and all is well" post to quell all the gossip that is happening here and at other sites?

    I could understand letting a topic go on at other sites to garner more interest in a product. Good pub is always worthwhile. In this case the only thing you accomplish is getting negative publicity which makes your company look unstable and in disarray. If they think they are gaining customers by letting these rumors run wild then they need to take a closer look at their business plan and change it right away. From what I'm reading on the IPB customer forums xenforo is bleeding customers. I also am seeing a lot of topics pop up at vbulletin with people switching back to them.

    xenforo is looking more and more like the vbulletin of old while Kier ran the place. Stagnate and stale. John and James probably didn't have the heart take out the trash and grabbed the money and ran while the running was good. Now Kier is doing the same as he did at vbulletin. Only this time he goes down with the ship since he is an owner. In all this I feel for Mike and Ashley. I'm sure they thought things would work out better than this. Too bad they never looked at the real Kier.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You've hit the nail on the head Bob, common sense alone tells you Mike should have come out on XenForo well before now saying something to quash negative rumours and set the record straight. Never mind just showing his face there to prove the point, and yet he's done neither. And if Mike IS still there and the rumours flying around are completely wrong, then that makes things look worse still for them. Because it proves they're playing games with customers minds, just like they did before at vBulletin. Pity others can't understand that much on XenForo! And seriously, who wants to pay a company using their product that plays stupid childish mind-games like that?

    And please don't tell me they're too busy to show their face online at XenForo, that lame excuse died with pink elephants!

    You have to put yourself in Mike's shoes here, think "what would you'd do now if being him working at XenForo", with all these negative rumours flying around that you've left long ago? I'd be saying something, making a quick post telling customers it's a load of rubbish made-up by one or two fear spreading scaremongers and just ignore it! The world of forum development isn't going to come crashing down around me for taking 5 -10 minutes out my busy coding scheduled writing a quick message. Jeez, how do they even find time have a Dinner Break, or even short Tea Breaks then?

    Some people need to "Wake Up", instead of always going into blind-fire auto-defence XenForo mode on reading threads like this. Start looking at the bigger picture of things for once, after all they are the ones throwing money at the product and entitled to some proper answers coming from Mike Sullivan directly! Not via some half-baked thread with one mod saying he sees Mike online daily (but seen where exactly), and another saying he's had an email from him. Then the thread gets very conveniently locked for no reason with a little message saying: "point proved that Mike is still here", by Slavik.

    Think I'd prefer Mike Sullivan telling me this himself, not coming from a (no offence), but "puppet with strings to be pulled" mod named Slavik as a money paying customer. Seriously, I must be in some crazy mad dream this is all happening and XenForo 1.2 has already been released?
  10. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I'm glad I don't run a forum any longer. I'm sure I'd be getting daggers in the back by some of you - as has been done in the past. :mad:
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  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well, you've stuck daggers in other people's back yourself using Twitter in the past, and before they opened their mouths to you. No offence Peggy, but find it a bit rich acting like you've never done it yourself, when you have in a group with Shelley and others via twitter for no real reason apart from jumping on their bandwagon. You wasn't even provoked into doing it first, but it didn't stop you rabbiting away about people like me. Since I've noticed Shelley and Co don't take you on much now, not sure why? But that was the time you stopped saying stuff about others in Twitter. Don't have a problem with you Peggy, never did and always felt you was lead too easy by Shelley, used for her own back-stabbing because that's how she works using others around her.

    As for XenForo, I might as well say it now after making this decision last night. I'm finished with these threads about it here. My original intention was just to voice some concerns because threads asking questions kept getting locked on XenForo so brought it here. But you now have the likes of this thread spanning 16 pages long "trolling over the same thing" each time, and things have gone way past what I ever intended. We're just bashing XenForo now and looking like haters. But I'm not one, I actually do use the forum software, even if not doing enough is enough now!

    So I'm bowing out these threads and see Mark.B did it also for the same reasons over a week ago. Sorry Bob, but that's my view now. Time to leave them alone and just wait and see what happens? I'll talk about them normally, but I'm done with what appear to nothing other than bashing threads.
  12. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    With that I will close this thread.

    There was a lot of good points brought about in this thread. People got to voice their opinion without being censored or having the thread locked. As with any thread like this you will get some different opinions and at times things will become heated. This thread did get heated, but, everyone in it acted mature about it and instead of downright bashing others opinions they argued it with intelligent posts.

    I too like xenforo and wish it success. It is an alternative to the others and competition is always good. I just hope that threads like this make the ones in charge aware that what they are doing is worrying many customers. That can never be a good thing.
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