Is xenForo Dying?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well, he must be itching right now to do it after what they just done at XenForo. Why not, they've just treated him like a nobody after everything he's done for them. Plus reading the fan-boy comments posted later defending the actions of XenForo doing it will annoy him even further, especially if knowing something he could post to really shut them up!

    But I don't think Brogan knows anything, think that might be part of the reason he left myself.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    My God. You totally alienate your only presence in the forum and then you censor him when he posts. Maybe I was too hasty in calling him a bad moderator. Looks to me now that he was under a lot of pressure and the 3 amigos didn't listen to him or get him any help which caused him to basically give up.

    Brogan I apologize for everything I said. After reading your posts before it was censored I got a better understanding of what you must have been up against. Again I apologize.

    Folks that ship is taking on water badly. Anyone that spends any money for a license now is surely going to lose in the end. Of course the fanboys will tell you not to worry because you can use it forever without it being ever upgraded again because its that good. Yea right.
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  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Must admit, could never get my head around that comment said. Wasn't the reason why people stopped using vBulletin 3, because it's no longer supported and only a matter of time before your board breaks when newer versions of PHP or MySQL get released and the sole reason you have to be using active supported forum software kept updated to work with newer versions of PHP and MySQL all the time.

    Doesn't really matter how good the forum software is, if 3 years later it might break and there's very little you can do to fix that because there's no more newer versions to upgrade your board too. Not forgetting 3 years is a long time, your board would be "well outdated" by that time and no longer seen as the top thing anymore. But in terms of actually running a forum, 3 years is not that long at all really.
  4. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    This surprises you with the amount of poo you fling at anything you do not agree with?
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  5. soniceffect

    soniceffect Regular Member

    A few people have said about him having a fall out with Kier and Mike. Its Kier and Ashley he mentioned and as far as I know. Mike is admin on Brogans forum, or certainly was. Cant tell if he still is or not to be honest
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    So.... what you trying to say?
  7. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    No, you hit it right in the head. He's done a lot for xenForo, but power gets to his head a lot. And I mean a lot.

    And you're also right, xenForo has alienated a lot of people out of this stituation. But it all started with Brogan. All of this negativity towards xenForo staff was isolated, until you have really pissed off the wrong people. It all began with Brogan.
    You know what? Don't be. Don't be sorry, because Brogan got what he deserved coming to him. I'm really disgusted by the positve light that the members of xenForo put on Brogan. He has been disrespectful not just to me, but also to a few influential people in the community, and they are Shelley, and that guy that runs Se7enSins. I've said it on another site, and I'll say again, Brogan doesn't really give two $#!^s about you, or you, or any of you. I'm a license holder of 6 xenforo'es, and up to at least $600 paid directly to xenForo.

    No one in their right mind would spend around $600 on a no name software, no name product, or in a no-name company. But that's exactly what I did. I took a risk on a small start-up who has provided a high quality software. Brogan doesn't even recognize that I am a license holder, he just assumes I'm another user on xenForo. He thinks I start a lot of $#!^ on xenForo, but what he doesn't realize is that there are more people on xenForo who are worse troublemakers than myself, and continue to do it. Yet I am the one put into moderation, and yet I am the one banned. Not them. Oh, no, nonono....Not them vBulletin trolls. Nope, they gave those guys another chance.

    Over the last few months, I've been fighting this moderation $#!^ on my own. I even put up status messages towards Brogan's behavior. Censorship after censorship, he's deleted them all. Now he comes out like a crybaby saying "It's a shame that I am being censored." YOU'RE LUCKY your post was allowed on xenForo! AGH!
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I just read today that Shelley is moderated at xenforo. How can they moderate a person that has done so much for the community and released so many graphic packs? I just don't get it. One of your first supporters and a designer to boot gets put in moderation. Even more ridiculous is that no one seems to be in her corner either questioning why or supporting her. I don't understand why all those Kier worshipers can't see through him to see what he is really like. An ego maniacal weasel and nothing more.

    And lastly did anyone see all the fanboys peeing all over themselves because Kier changed his avatar? I can only imagine what would happen if he'd happened in the thread to post one of his witty one liners.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Far as I'm aware, she got stuck in moderation for the little outburst said to Brogan. Which now appears wasn't Brogan himself who stuck her in moderation queue, but either Kier or Ashley from what I've read. The fact people have not cried over what happened speaks for itself, she wasn't a very popular person with people really bar her graphics releases. To be honest Bob, I think Shelley is a trouble maker "Ring Leader" and got me banned before from XenForo prior to me owning a license. Her and that Forsaken back each other up in arguments on XF against other members all the time, they do it on purpose and sometimes even target users they don't like, they tried it with that member: Digital Doctor (the guy is harmless). Later I had to ask Kier to unban me when wanting to buy an XF license because of them two.

    I've no sympathy I'm afraid, long overdue and payback time for her. Hate to sound nasty and all, but it's been coming her way for a while. She's not banned anyway, only stuck in moderation queue for a while. Hopefully it will learn her a lesson that she cannot get away with things like her and that Forsaken have been doing previously for a good while on XF?
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    You better be ready to feel her wrath once she reads what you wrote just now. If I had been nice to you, and I have been. I would expect the same respect I give you. Shelley has been nothing but nice to everyone, including myself. Right now, if my name was Shelley and I read that. I would be pissed. And you don't want me angry. Especially when I have treated you with the same respect, and the same courtesty that I have given everyone else.

    She doesn't need to learn a lesson.....
    ....I don't know if you read the quote or not, but I do not think that this quote...
    ...Warrants putting her on moderation.

    And this is Brogan's response...
    So, tell me, mrGTB... Is this a moderator you want on your team? I surely as hell don't. I don't condone moderators insulting my customers' or members' intelligence. Not one bit. If you disrespect a customer of mine - get the #@^& out of my place.
    I don't see Shelley as this "Ring Leader" as you say. She has contributed a lot to the community that not a lot of people recognize. Maybe she's not a popular person, but she's still influential in her own way. Those smiles weren't done by Kier or Mike, it was done by Shelley. A lot of people would love to be the one who designed a set of smiles. In a lot of people's eyes, you're legend after that fact.

    Let me put it this way, I have been a very hated member in a community for years, but all that hate turned into love. I have more fans in that community than I do haters. The fact that my likeness got into the list of smiles is more than honorable. I don't need to call myself legend anymore, I'm way past that. That's just a single community.

    My point is, Shelley - regardless of how you see her. She is far beyond what you make her our to be or what you think of her. I said it a few times, and I'll say it again: She's like a influenctial blooger, or an authoritative blogger. The only reason why nobody's "crying" about her moderation, is simple. They're jealous. My gut says you are too. She got you banned before, and now you're spreading hate and disdain against her. I'm currently in your position right now, and I really hate the people who troll on xenForo. Why? Because they're getting away with it, they're still there, bickering with each other.

    In the end, the situation with Shelley will hurt xenForo in the long run because she's going to move her resources in-house. And she already has. I would like to see how it affects xenForo in the months to come or even years to come when they do decide to re-make those smiles.

    Once Kier or Mike asks for her help, she's going to say "no," and then we'll see how the community reacts. Let's see. i would like to see that. She's not that replaceable. Not even vBulletin can come up with a set of hiqh quality smiles that Shelley cooked up.

    Not even a billion dollar corporation can do whatever Shelley provides xenForo customers.

    Finally, while Digital Doctor brings to the table some good posts here and there... I don't like Forsaken that much for the same reason I don't like Slavik, and the guy's a moderator. If you asked me who's the ring leader, it's one of Slavik's or Forsaken's followers. That, tells me a thousand words about a person than Slavik's own attitude.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Think there is more to Shelley getting put in moderation queue on XenForo anyway. I was there the night she said that to Brogan posting myself in it, and being honest thought she was NOT out of order in what she said and had valid points raised to him about keeping that thread open. Brogan, he then came back with rather nasty reply to Shelley in his next post, especially as a moderator talking to a customer there on XenForo company forums (which frankly I thought wasn't acceptable). So Brogan was the one out of order, and that makes me think there must be more to it and it's not just about that reply alone.

    I'd be surprised if it is just about that, very surprised indeed. She didn't use any foul language and only questioned why he was keeping that thread open if unable to give answers to people. Saying it was giving customers the run around keeping it open, which was a fair point and didn't warrant what Brogan came back with next to her (go read the thread)!

    As for your comments about what I said before Carlos, you've not been around on the vB|xF scene that long really. Most of us don't know you that well at all hardly, only from you showing up on XenForo much later. But we all know each other very well and have for many years now. Keep that in mind, because what you think you might know, you don't really know at all because you've not been around long enough. And there's a lot you have no idea about!
  12. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Now, see? That wasn't so hard, was it? You pretty much agreed with me. :)
    It doesn't matter if she used "foul" language or not. I used foul language on xenForo, and did not get banned for it! Shelley was asking the right question, but Brogan may have not taken it that way. It's possible he felt "questioned." As in one of those "questioning the authority" attitude. Still isn't excuse to put her on moderation. Brogan let that arguement drag on.
    I'm sorry, but I don't think you recognize who I am from vBulletin days. I have two accounts in there, one is "Carlos X" and the other is "Carlos 360." It is true that I haven't been there since, I dunno, vB2 days... But I have been around the block for some time. I only stepped up my presence on the scene with xenForo. It was imperative that I make my full presence on xF than I have on vB.

    I can say that I've been there since the beginning [this time] with xenForo - roughly a few weeks after xenForo opened it's doors.
  13. soniceffect

    soniceffect Regular Member

    I was correcting peoples assumption that brogan has fell out with Mike. I thought that was quite clear in my post tbh LOL. If he is still admin on cliptheapex they have clearly not fell out, its just Kier and Ashley
  14. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Hmmm.. Maybe a rift between Kier & Co?
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm not sure were Brogan first posted this, but looks like he's said more.


    EDIT UPDATE: Well that didn't last long, that Brogan quote has been edited out his post now like the others.
  16. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I have a feeling he's not telling everyone the right story.
    I for one am not surprised...
  17. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I spent a few minutes today at the xen site reading through threads I missed. I have to say I must visit there more often. I might have the staff on my communities head there to read through the threads. It is a good teaching tool on how not to treat people that are the heart and soul of your community.

    Tidbit picked up today that I will add to my staff manual in the do not do section.
    When a member has a valid concern make sure when the fanboys of your community gang up on them and call them names that you do nothing.​

    I really have to spend more time there. It's like watch a runaway train that you know is going to crash and burn at some point.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I didn't know you'd been banned from XenForo previously, so what happened and why was you banned? You can't tell on XenForo if people are banned because their profile shows no Banned title below avatar or in their forum posts. Makes them still look like active.

    I'm fascinated by what Brogan meant posting on his profile "And then there were two". It's like he's dropped a HINT about something to me there, and we've not seen Mike Sullivan show his face on XF forums out the trio since. Even though Kier, Ashley and all the mods have been doing so once again lately and (quite frequently). Mike still shows as being a developer in Twitter and on XenForo though, but has posted on Brogan's forum very recently, yet has not been seen on XenForo with the rest. I would have expected Mike to start showing online once Kier started doing so this past week with him, but not so.

    Brogan and Mike are obviously still friends and find it odd Brogan posted his complaint at XenForo leaving Mike completely out of it. Only making a reference to "Ashley and Kier", but Mike has been missing just as long as them two have to include him. It's like he's no longer a factor anymore and Brogan knows it, plus that comment made on his profile saying: "Then there were two"?

    Maybe he's just developing in the background, but Brogan has dropped a few hints now for me giving the impression Mike may possibly have left. Most likely wrong, but Brogan's sure doing a dam good job with his hint dropping to make you think otherwise and Mike's ongoing absence doesn't help either, not when all the others have now been seen together online recently at XF - bar just him!

    Brogan, has certainly got me thinking about it? Because there was only two mods in "Brogan and Lawrence" before, so saying then there was two couldn't have meant there only being two mods left after he stepped down. So what's he talking about instead?
  19. David

    David Regular Member

    Seriously... less than 6 months left before XenForo is basically abandoned by the developers (with no announcement or anything), and its just a bunch of customers and spam bots having at it.
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  20. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    You registered to another admin forum and skipped over one of my posts? Here, read it.

    Here's more at another admin site.
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