Is it normal?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Tom, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    I've yet, to still find a general discussion community (other than my own <3) that I really like. Is this normal?

    Everyone I visit, it's like, "Eh, I like this, but eh, not my kind of crowd."

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent off-topic community? I'm already a satisfied member of EuphoricArythmia and The Kawfee Klub.

    Suggestions, please?
  2. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    While I probably could not help, maybe start by saying what forums you tried and didn't like?
  3. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    I listed the two I am satisfied members of.
  4. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Take a look at "The Forum" - its part of stileNET. You might want to be careful with that one, its not safe for work.

    Then there is 4chan /B/

    Then there is always the general discussion forum on my survivalist forum.

    What more could you want in life?
  5. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Eh, I don't know - I'm picky, Kevin.
  6. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Sounds normal to me. You have set your forum up the way you want, and I'm sure worded posts in a way that encourages a certain type of person to join, the type that you like to hang with.

  7. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    There are a plethora of general-based discussion forums on the web. The vast majority of them are either failing or moving in the "wrong" direction (content-wise). I'd stick with your current selection and keep it at that for the time being.
  8. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I used to like one particular forum, frequented, had a staff position, etc, etc, until one day, well, I got banned. Since then, it's been hard trying to find another.

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