Is it me.....

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Shelley, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    Or is the design (new variations) of these latest betas becoming increasingly terrible?

    From the start, and I've always said this that when it comes to clean cut designs vbulletin have always fallen a little short. I actually had high hopes on the design part for 4.0 with a larger team.

    First addition are the threadmarkers, Holy crap, are we using pre-made icons now that come standard in all graphic editors? What are threadmarkers I hear you ask. Below is a screenshot of the newly added gigantic (godzilla contender) vbulletin threadmarkers v godzilla Deathmatch.


    I'm not even sorrry, but these things are something like the quality I created when i first got my hands on photoshop. Not something you would expect from a leading software company. Whatever happened to visually superior simplicity and retain a standalone image at a respectable size. Those envelopes are really reminsce to pre-made shapes that you can re-size at will except the designer really didn't know when to stop sizing them up.

    The firstnew icon. I'm being picky but expecting cutting edge graphics these icons are really bad quality. Okay, you can get away with bad design but with quality there's no excuse. I can't tell what those two white blobs are within the blue circular base. Okay I do, two arrows, but only because I know what each and every image in vbulletin and what it looks like, and what it should look like in the quality visual department.

    Whats going on? Indeed, what is going on? Is it me or do those icons suddenly developed shrinking syndrome. I almost felt I was part of msn. The point I'm making is that it looks like the team are struggling. Heck, I would have thought that at least the designers on the alpha and beta teams would have said something, heck, even push their concerns to having an innovative and creative clean design for the flagship of forum software.

    Forum status key legend hmmmmm words just don't describe how bad this looks.

    Granted, beta, still evolving but I would have thought the evolution of the beta would embrace improvements with the imagery. Or so i thought. I'm sure many will disagree with me but all I'm seeing is the designers struggling with the icons and images for the upcoming 4.0 style.
    3 people like this.
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    This would be a good thread for the regular vBulletin sub-forum if it weren't for the end of that first line.


    This made me LOL. :lol:
  3. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    Changed nick.
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Thank you. I've moved it, if you don't mind, so that the others can put forth their input.

    If you'd like (and if you specifically meant it to turn into a possibly sling-fest), I will move it back. Just let me know. :)
  5. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    It's actually a valid concern nick. It's worrying when we see imagery like this. And was not intended as a slinging fest.

    Just pains me to see such bad images when an alpha and beta team of designers aren't doing what they where meant to do and that is stand up and put their concerns forward unless they think this evolution of mediocrity is acceptable or simply like agreeing saying. Nice, good work because what I can assume is they either couldn't care less or are scared. I know I wouldn't be accepting this standard of work from my team.

    It's a valid concern.
    2 people like this.
  6. Gordie

    Gordie Adept

    Shelly, I agree.

    However, I also think some of you graphic artists probably underestimate your own graphics skills. ;)

    Last night, I was browsing some of the graphics that you and FMB have posted up in the graphics section and the truth is that IB would have a pretty tough time coming up with anything you're capable of.

    Hopefully in the end, IB will at least come up with graphics and icons decent enough that we all don't have to change every stinkin' one. :eek:
    2 people like this.
  7. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Shelley, I was asking our mutual friend the other morning why vB didn't hire you for the default skin.

    Some people still want the old pixelated lilac color... :ohi:
  8. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    We have Shelley, trust me. We have voiced concerns, made suggestions, begged and pleaded... :rolleyes:

    Exuse me??? How can you say that when you have absolutely no idea what has been said/posted in the alpha/beta forums about the vB 4 style?!?! You don't even know how hard we've put forth our concerns, and how much we've been fighting for this default style.

    I really do wish you people would stop and think about what you're saying before you post something like this, when you really haven't a clue.

    ugh I knew I shouldn't have come back on here tonight.
    G'night all.
  9. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Now, now, ladies. Boss is here to protect everyone. :cool:
  10. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    When the site came back up and I saw those I was shaking my head no. There is nothing clean, sleek, modern or redeeming about any of them.

    4.0 is going to be a bonanza to you graphic types if this keeps up.

    Reminds me of icons I see on 2 year old nephews "laptop".

    I wish I has something good to say but this worries me. Am I going to be able to afford to have all the graphics on my site redone.

    What really started to stand out to me was was the poor quality of icons such as Report Post and Reputation. How hard would it have been to make them transparent to hide the bits around the edges of the icon. Sorry I don't speak graphic very well. Those little touches are to me what makes or breaks site design.
  11. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    You cannot put all the blame on vbulletin solutions, Partially, the blame lies with the team that where picked. If you didn't feel you where upto the task and get whatever you envisioned implemented to add this standard of quality then you should never have applied. You can take this personally, but this is not directed at you peggy, but as a collective whole.

    Personally, I would have continued pressing for a higher level of standard until they either came around or we I got kicked off. I have a very good idea what goes on behind the scenes but with this ever growing inconsistency and mediocre level of imagery somebody on the team should be saying something and voicing their concerns a little louder.
  12. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    You hit the nail on the head. I have said this for years, a mediocre style surrounded by great imagery can make the overall look amazing whilst a amazing style surrounded by bad imagery looks terrible. with great imagery and a great style who have something that you can marvel at and be proud of supporting.

    I'm not knocking the visuals just for the sake of it but the lack on consistency is appauling and I would expect ateleast the people on the beta team to stand their ground and push for a greater level of standards if not for themselves but for the community who cannot voice their concerns behind locked doors where the beta team resides.
  13. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    I think to be honest that the style is getting better (in a non image sense). Although isn't the report icon's non transparency the least of it's issues? I can't even see the exclamation mark on the icon, or make out what's it's supposed to do...
  14. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    I also question why the need for change in the quick reply and advanced reply icons as well. How many years have we seen the same yellow box with mountains that indicates "Insert Image" Was it broken? Why "fix" it.

    I am nitpicking, but dang it, the devil is in the details!
  15. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    No no, I'm not taking it personally. I just think that it's funny, these accusations, when you're not behind the scenes working as hard for this as we all are. If you think you could have done better, then you should have gotten yourself on the team, period.

    We all feel that we are very much up to the task... I'm sure that John and all of the designers would agree. HOWEVER, no matter how loud we shout and demand, we simply cannot make them change. We have harped, stomped our feet, etc. And we are continually reassured that the style is not finished and updates are coming. And this is what comes out. It gets worse, not better, with every update. You think we're happy with the style as is? I personally hate it. And I let them know, very vocally I might add, that I hate it.

    So if you think you can do better, PLEASE, give me some pointers. :p
  16. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Maybe this is the way the design community as a whole things we should be going en-mass. I just updated my anti-virus to the latest version that now has "cartoonish" icons.

    Peggy, please don't be offended by my comments. You are right, I have NO idea whats going on behind the scenes. I've tried to keep my comments as to what I can see only, not to any person or group.

    BTW, will you be taking on vB 4 theme work?
  17. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Thanks hun, I'm not offended by anyone's comments here. Not at all.

    No, I won't be taking on any 4.0 theme work. I sold Themes by Design due to illness and issues with my son. However, I do have a few other things in the pipeline that hopefully will be taking shape within the next few months.
  18. John

    John Regular Member

    Shelly, I agree with you wholeheartedly however Peggy's correct. Trying to get IB to listen to anything and respond to it is like pulling teeth. I hate to admit this, but I became frustrated and gave up giving my two cents. I still post bugs but that's it. They are going to do what they are going to do with the design. I will give them credit where it's due and say they have implemented changes based on the alpha team's suggestions, design-wise, but since we are at Beta 2 now I wouldn't expect to see too many visual changes from here on out.
  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Only problem being, the changes they made may have been what we suggested, but the results are far from what we asked for, lol.
  20. John

    John Regular Member

    I'm sure Sophie is a sweet and talented person, but a graphic designer she is not ;)

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