Iron Hide | Hello Everybody

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Iron Hide, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Hello everyone,

    This is Iron Hide! I always like this and General-Forums because the owner of these forum is a dedicated person. I am also running a forum and soon planning on buying a big (maybe not so big) tech blog. I work in IT department and I have plenty of knowledge about computers, technology and especially networking (Cisco!). Its nice to see this forum back to being active!

    Have fun
    Ashley.S. and Brandon like this.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Welcome to the forums sir, good to see you around :)
  3. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Welcome to the AdminBB community :cool:
  4. denemex

    denemex Regular Member

    Hello to everyone
  5. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    If you are new, you should really start your own thread and introduce yourself there rather than hijack someone else's ;)
  6. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Welcome to the community matey! What is the tech blog that you're possibly buying?
  7. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Its a technology blog : Geek Super

    and its now mine :)
  8. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Congratulations. How much did you buy it for? Does it make decent revenue?
  9. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    I bought it for $400 and it used to make around $30 /month.
    If you like the forum then make sure to join our Facebook page :

  10. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Brandon and Kaiser like this.
  11. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Well, cpvr is the one who asked for the url and started discussion about it. I thought he likes my blog so might as well give him the Facebook page link :)
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