Ipod Touch Im thinking of buying an ipod touch after Christmas as im getting a new laptop for xmas im selling this one to my dad and he said he'll give me around £200 and ipod touches are only £150.. If anyone has an iPod touch are they good? How much are the average apps? Is there any good apps? (including twitter) Is there any good games? Is yours jailbroken? Thanks.
My dad has an iPod Touch, and it's great. I love it! They have plenty of Apps for Twitter, Pandora, Last.fm, Facebook, etc. etc. I, personally, don't have one because I have a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic mobile phone which pretty does everything the iPod touch does, so I have no need to get one for myself. I do love the Apps on the Touch, though. It has a wider selection than my phone does.
Of course they're good; it's an Apple product. I love mine, as it has a variety of uses: music, videos, entertainment, organization/productivity, etc. There are gazillions of apps for just about anything you can think of. Most apps are $0.99, but there are plenty of others that can be anywhere up to $10. I've seen some expensive apps up to $50. Not sure about games... never really looked into them much. And no, mine is not jailbroken. You can download iTunes and browse the AppStore (even without the iPod) to see what kind of apps they have, and what interests you. It's definitely a gadget worth having. I love mine and use it every day.
Thanks for the feedback, Unfortunately Itunes and quick player and installing or working so i cant watch the video's on apples website or take a look at the app store, ill get it sorted tomorrow though. Thanks
Can someone help me here? When ever i try to install iTunes it gives me this error: . Ive googled and ive already gave permission to that key, cleaned registery (tuneup), did a hard uninstall with a program which also removed all the files related to that. Tried these possible solutions: QuickTime or iTunes Installer "Could not open key" alert stops install on Windows Apple - Support - Discussions - Could not open key UNKNOWN ... Ive tried creating a new admin account and everything but nothing seems to work.. But when i do install the itunes + Quicktime (quicktime also isnt working) it rolls back itunes and installs quicktime but when ever i launch quicktime (or the itunes from desktop) it says apple application support is not install, i then extract the setup folder and retrieve the application support.msi, run it and gives the same error as the others. EDIT: im on Windows 7 64bit, Itunes 9 64bit.
Yeah, that. I got mine for free with my iMac, and when the new ones come out, I'll be getting that one. Games: Apple - What is iPod touch? - A great portable game player. And by the way, I've got tons of free apps on it, many times there's free trials as well.
I'd wait until after the holidays, I hear there is going to be a 128 gig touch running off 2 flash drives but I would actually just get the iphone, than you have the ipod built in