IPBoard liences (lifetime & perpetual)

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Stéphane, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. Stéphane

    Stéphane Newcomer

    Hi all,

    • Your Name: Stéphane
    • Your (active) forum address: none
    • Email address: sbrassely[AT]gmail[DOT]com
    • Reason for selling your license: No motivation & need money
    • InvisionPower Username: bibisvals59
    • Type of License:
      • 1 IP.Board Lifetime (lifetime support & updates !!!)
      • 1 IP.Board Perpetual (lifetime updates !!!, support to renew)
      • 1 IP.Blog (support & updates until 8 Oct 2010)
      • 1 IP.Gallery (support & updates until 8 Oct 2010)
    • Cost: 650$
    • Screenshots of your IPS Client Center: ask it (pm) !
    • PayPal Verified: Yes !
    Small discount until May 1 at 00:00. The whole package at $ 600 (10% off!).

  2. PorkoWog

    PorkoWog Newcomer

    Will you sell the lifetime license separately? If so, what is your asking price?
  3. Pintac

    Pintac Newcomer

    IPS states that the whole account has to be sold. They will no longer separate the licenses.
  4. PorkoWog

    PorkoWog Newcomer

    Fair enough. Thanks for letting me know Pintac.
  5. Pintac

    Pintac Newcomer

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