FINALLY a reply=> OOOOOOOOH, this will rock!
All that they've been talking about lately is code changes, structure changes.... but nothing about new features, new design features, and whatnot. So far, I'm not in the slightest excited about IPB4.
I don't know what it is, I tried to check the links when you first posted this thread and it's stuck loading forever, same thing today...
Well it is only July and from what i gather the update is 3-4 months off at best, so plenty of time. Besides I've seen discussion about new designs and what not on the forum. Of course, I'm a customer so maybe there is more than what is shown to non-customers/guests?
We'll have to buy the core and at least 1 application This means, i can't use the framework for clients projects where i would build something on top of the IPB framework without the forum/blog/shop/etc IPB app
Purchase the core and the board, build your app, hide the forum or disable it, and you are golden! The post that may have been confusing is purchasing the core, you must purchase it with one application, nothing is saying that you have to have that app turned on though.
lol do you have some more information then avarage joe (aka ragtek daniel) ? i'm really very very very excited but also very worried that i'll be disappointed
However a very small price to pay to be able to use the core framework along with a custom application.
it's depending You have to see it from my freelance view. 20 clients * 50$ extra => 1000$ per year which my clients wouldn't have to pay or which i wouldn't have to pay to IPB You have always to view the WHOLE SCENARIO.
The key is "your clients would have to pay" Anyway, not here to debate the price, just letting you know that you can use it in this manner if you chose too!