Why the hell is nobody talking here about it? I love their blog posts and all the informations Nobody else is posting so much informations about a not yet released product. I can't wait to get my hands on it! http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8651-some-development-decisions-made-prior-to-40/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8642-40-dev-introduction/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8644-40-prepared-statements/ http://community.invisionpower.com/...-party-libraryframework-or-build-it-in-house/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8746-40-tables/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-9553-40-handling-email/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8747-40-login-handlers/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8812-40-trees/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-9554-40-javascript-framework/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8810-40-developer-center/ http://community.invisionpower.com/...-developer-center-database-schema-management/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-8660-40-forms/ And there's a new editor with html posts button editor embed and oembed http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/387966-ips-40-editor-part-1-content/ http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/388043-ips-40-editor-part-2-uploads/ http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/388214-ips-40-editor-part-3-customisation-and-bbcode/ http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/388306-ips-40-editor-part-4-special-features/
I think CKEditor http://community.invisionpower.com/...ps-40-editor-part-3-customisation-and-bbcode/ http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/4445/entry-9554-40-javascript-framework/
No. If it's really that great and i decide to use it, i'm sure i'll make mods, but you'll never ever see any public ragtek addon release. (just like i handle it ATM with xenforo) So it would be a lie if i would say "no", but no public releases anymore...
Awwww.. Epic sadness.. So you have given up releasing for good? I mean I can understand that, but just thought I would ask. You have always made very solid public releases
too much drama, too many unthankful people, too timeconsuming to support the addons ( don#t forget that i have to use google translate for most of my posts ) and last but not least => I'm a dramaqueen with a too big ego... => no good combo^^
Your German ain't you Ragtek. How comes you can't speak and write English and have to use Google Translate, most German people known English.
You can have an IP Gallery site or whatever without IPB. Or at least that's what they're working towards.
Austrian, not german I had it in school too(9 years) , but german is already a foreign language for me, and learning 2 foreign languages sucks Specially if you're a child, which prefers to do spend his time with sport because it's better then the boring school Also I hadn't to speak english except in the school. (that's the downside of speking german => all the necessary coding literatur exists in german, all other interests were covered by german books or internet pages, even because of vbulletin i hadn't to use english because we had vbulletin-germany.com (i could blame @s.molinari without vbg.com i would have probably started earlier to learn english.. ) But it's getting better^^ If you compare my posts from 2009 ( http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=116444 ) and now there's IMO a big difference And now back to ipb4! Excpt all the blog posts this quote: Quoted from http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/379902-ips-social-suite-40/ E.g => Framework XYZ (ipb3, xenforo) is great, but it "sucks" if you want to use it for a project which needs just a cms/blog/gallery and doesn't need a forum. There are too many dependencies in the code and UI. You need to spend unnecessary time with removing all the stuff (which would probably still be available in the acp and runs in the background, but isn't visible for the users...) One would ask why not use joomla,drupal or something own. Answer => Why spend time with learning something new like joomla, drupal, magento,etc...? Why reimplement the wheel? Why spend weeks with research and learning something new, and keep visiting all the pages for new informations, if you could do it with only 1 framework in 10 minutes because you're already familiar with it and are able to work efficient and quick It's just like with my xf experiance and all my dev tools which i've created for me in the last years, to be able to automate "everything"! e.g. they're intergrated in my IDE, i'm having a small CLI application and they're even available in the ACP, so i'm really able to do what i want, where i want (e.g. create phrase from the IDE or CLI, to not have to leave the IDE just for this task..... There's also a code generator, which gets the item fields as input from CLI or the acp page and creates EVERYTHING automaticly => templates,phrases, controller,model,datawriter,permissions and all other necessary files and xf features. (e.g. yesterday i've added routeines to add the edit history and bbcode cache feature to the product if necessary) ( http://i.imgur.com/QamafSz.png ) BUT xf is still missing a great cms and shop, which is available for IPB and I'M 100% sure, that IPB won't be so stupid like vbulletin and release something halfbaked and missing all important features from the previous version, so there's a 50:50 chance, that IPB4 will be MUCH MUCH better then xf for my needs..... I'm still missing price and exact informations what the suite will be, but till now, the php freelancer is really excited.
Personally, I am definitely ready to see IPB4. I am biding my time with Xenforo currently but Xenforo is such a weak software to me, development is slow so I am just excited to test out IPB4 whenever that may be and I am keeping up with all the news for it.
What I do prefer is the community over at IPB as far as 3rd party goes. Quite a few add-ons I miss from IPB. If IPB 4 comes out before 2013, I'll likely re-convert back because as you said they offer so much more and I can't really see Xenforo become a true viable competitor to them nor do i expect certain features to come to Xenforo anytime soon. But i am loving what I am seeing with Ipboard thus far.
You can't compare the whole IPB timeframe with the xenforo beeing. The xf devs have the same experiance, it's not that they just started 3 or 4 years ago with coding forums.... Also don't forget, that Xenforo is "3 years" old but it was also in coma for more then 1 year! It's a great product and i'm excited about xenforo 1.2 and i'm using and loving it, but as i saw the public demo and all the HYS videos and the lacking features, I really hoped to get much more in Q3 2013 then the current state.... Don't forget, that it took them only ~1 year to create the first public version! and pls not another bashing thread
So, when IPB rolls out does everyone with an active account get the upgrade, or will it be like vB where you have to purchase the new version?