IPB PDF Flipbook

Discussion in 'IP.Board Discussions' started by Rasty, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Rasty

    Rasty Regular Member

    Does anyone know if IPB can use a PDF Flipbook such as

    We want to switch our site to IPB and add a quarterly magazine attached to the content and/or blog

    If you know of something better let me know.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  2. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    Well IPB has a system in IP.Content so that you can use it with out the wrapping of the theme but it still runs in IPB. But i do not know how FlipPDF generates the content if its pure HTML and images then you should be able to include it in IP.Content.
  3. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

    I don't think so. I need the same as well, but didn't find it in IP. Downloads or IP. Content. Additionally it was not clear to me which of the 2 separate systems would be best to use. It's probably best to wait for ips4 and see what that has to offer. I plan to have a pdf flip book addon created for xenforo / xenmediagallery.
  4. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    What i see from FlipPDF that its HTML driven so that would mean it can be used in Content.
  5. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    Just downloaded the demo and included is plugin for Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla. The system is like index.html that calls some JS files to show everything.
  6. Rasty

    Rasty Regular Member

    Any way you can translate that into 1st grade English?

    I downloaded the demo and made a book. Then
  7. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    The book is in their format they make a HTML file that calls javascript the script loads the book and makes everything pretty.
  8. Rasty

    Rasty Regular Member


    How would I upload it into and article or blog? I tried and it did not work.
  9. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    Well the trick in that is that lets say the person making the post need to have HTML rights so he or she can post in HTML then its only making sure the paths are correct. Be careful HTML posting can be very dangerous if you allow it for to many people.

    As for he directories upload them to lets say /book and make the HTML reflect the book you should be able to reuse the javascript for every book. The directory named files is the actual book, the two files where the index.html is is the pages that you see flipping and so on.

    So upload as follows:


    The <identifier> is to allow more books so that you only upload the other 3 only once. You then only need to adept the index.html to reflect the new paths.

    You should also read at IPB what needs to be done to post HTML in IP.Content and how it can be done safely. You can also read there to not include the wrapper but still controlled by IPB. The wrapper is the nav bar footer header etc etc.
    Rasty likes this.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Mikeylicio.us

    From what I can see it does look possible in IP.Content, as others have stated. May be interesting to have a try at making something like this - I've integrated a PDF library into IPB before but I haven't used the wrapper.

    PDF's are tricky to display these days due to things like Chrome forcing them fullscreen etc. I'm not sure if your library will fix that or not.
  11. Rasty

    Rasty Regular Member

    The best example I've seen so far is a custom job done on a vB site. The hiking magazine is really well done and I wish I could do half as good.


    The owner does an amazing job.

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