InvisionFree Vs Zetaboards

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by SpacewardAsh, Apr 8, 2011.


InvisionFree Vs Zetaboards

  1. InvisionFree

    0 vote(s)
  2. Zetaboards

  3. Neither

  1. GAKzb

    GAKzb Regular Member

    I would think this would be best, but I suppose they want to continue offering it for some reason. -_-
  2. Bluezone777

    Bluezone777 Regular Member

    Just to clarify, ZB is not based on anything as it was built from the ground up. IF is a heavily modified IPB 1.3. I prefer ZB over IF these days but IF was good back in the day but these days it's just way too dated.
  3. DarkGizmo

    DarkGizmo Mr. Awesome

    ZetaBoards is more feature packed then Invisionfree and it's the successor to it by the same group of people who set up InvisionFree back in 2000. :) I'd say if i had to choose to use one or the other, I'd go with ZB first. :D
  4. ridwan sameer

    ridwan sameer Regular Member

    I remember back in the day Zetaboards seemed to be the more professional Choice.
    So i think I'd go with that :)
  5. Choloboy

    Choloboy Regular Member

    I would go with Zetaboards. There is a lot you can do with them and there are a lot of great themes to choose form if you know where to look ;)
    Hotmess likes this.
  6. Hotmess

    Hotmess Regular Member

    I started my board, hosted by Zetaboards, mid Jan and I haven't regretted my decision yet.

    The best part about ZB is the support system IMO.
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