InvestComics™ - All Are Welcome!

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Wrecks, May 7, 2011.

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  1. Wrecks

    Wrecks Regular Member

    Site Name: InvestComics™
    Description: Started by Jay Katz around 2007. First as a magazine, and then later on turned into a website. Since then, Jay and his team have provided a wide range of all things Comics related as the site has grown. From Weekly Hot Picks to Reviews to Interviews and beyond! Plus we now have an expanded portion of the site known as ICTV. Where those in the Industry get a sort of broadcasted interview.
    Genre: Comics Entertainment.
    Open Date: Just say around 2007.
    Software: For the website, its Word Press. For the Forum. Its on phpBB.
    Any other details: I help run the forum side of things and I go by Rob there.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    You are allowed one thread per site as stated in our rules. Please be careful next time. :thumbsup:™-all-are-welcome.491/
    You may update that thread. Closed.
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