Invalid thread when posting.

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by mousefur, May 12, 2004.

  1. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    Hellllllllp (Penelope Pitstop stylee!)

    Every so often when I'm posting, when I have clicked the submit post button, the page changes and says something to the effect of Invalid thread specified. This is driving me up the wall, long posts disappearing is annoying and somehow a joke or witty comeback just isnt funny when you've tried to post it for the 5th time! (yes I know that they're prob not funny or witty anyway but humour me!)

    So can anyone tell me whats it my puter(home and work both doing it) or a glitch in the site?
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    What browser are you using (and version), OS version, etc.?

    I have no idea how that's happening.. Can anyone else reproduce this? I've never heard of that happening before and I'd like to solve it if possible...
  3. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    OK, try that again speaking very slowly :tongue:

    Ahem, sorry Mister Alien Sir. I am a bear of very little brain (technically speaking) You may have to translate that into very simple terms :nod:

    In the mean time, if it happens again I'll write down every little thing it says. Something about contacting the webmaster (oops think I just did :rolleyes: )

    and thanks for your speedy reply!
  4. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    i will translate :lol: :

    are you using internet explorer, netscape, opera, or what? to browse the internet
    whatever it is, go to help>about and find the version number there
    what operating system (windows/macos/etc), and what version? (windows 98, 2000, xp or macos 9.whatever, macos x)

  5. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    Ah thank you kind sir.
    Internet Explorer 6
    Windows XP Professional

    Does that help?

    looking back at it, had I spent longer than 3 seconds thinking about it I think I knew that. Erk. Sorry! :embarass:
  6. MilkMonkey

    MilkMonkey Regular Member

    Theres no problem with mine...
  7. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    Update: Has been working fine for a while (as you may have noticed by my sudden upsurgence!) but it's just happened again. It says "Invalid link specified. If you have followed a valid link (or thread can't remember) please contact the webmaster" Then theres a little link to admin@aliensoup.

    Now (fingers crossed) its working fine again!

    Any ideas yet Mister Alien?
  8. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Absolutely NONE. :(

    Are you posting via the quick reply when it happens, or the full reply script (with clickable smilies, etc.)?
  9. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    also, what kind of connection are you on? if your connection is hiccuping during a reply that might do it
  10. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    In answer to both questions:
    It happens when using both reply methods.
    I'm on broadband constant connection at work and broadband dial up at home. Have just had phone probs at hoe that have been fixed today (yay) so if it was that at home it should stop. When it happened earlier I was at work (yes I know naughty mousefur posting at work...ho hum)
  11. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    hm, well i wouldn't expect it to be connection hiccups if it's happening both at home and at work

  12. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    Cor blimey I can hear that brain whirring from here


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