Introducing Myself...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by IQKid42, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. IQKid42

    IQKid42 Regular Member

    Hi, my name is IQKid42, or Danny if you prefer. I'm 14 years old and come from a Bionicle fansite called BZPower(I've already found people here that are from there). My hobbies(or obsessions as my siblings call them) are Bionicle, Lord of the Rings, Metroid, and Zelda. My favorite band is Linkin Park(woah, big surprise). I'm pretty much anti-social, so I come on the internet to talk to people.
    I found this sight by way of a Metroid Prime vs. Halo search.

    Well, thanks for having me, and I think I'll enjoy it here!

  2. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hello, IQKid42!

    Nice meet You there! :beer: <-this is rooT beer
  3. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup, IQKid42! Hope you enjoy your stay. Nice to have you here. :shake:
  4. HIQ

    HIQ Regular Member

    welcome to Aliensoup Danny! :)
  5. shellspeare

    shellspeare Regular Member

    hi danny, nice to meet a fellow forum junkie. check out my link if you just cant get enough of chatting to new people (ignore the naff webpage and go to the link) xx

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