Introduce Yourself

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BrianH, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. BrianH

    BrianH Regular Member

    Are you a new member to the forum and want to say hi? Have you been around for months and want to let people know you exist? Please post in this thread especially if you're new and a bit shy to post anyone else
  2. wutdaheck

    wutdaheck Regular Member

    Why am I here?
  3. Anthrax

    Anthrax Regular Member

    A better Question is why am i still here? Just to set the record stright so there is no confuseion i am also know as Exile (tikigod thats pointed towards u), Any Ways welcome to all new members
  4. Starsurfer

    Starsurfer Regular Member

    Hi Im star, aka sex god of the forums, aka really irrating one, good to say hi
  5. aznfudge84

    aznfudge84 Regular Member

    haha remember the good old days? asl?
    Wel, my name is Dan Wang and I'm a second yr student at UCSC leading towards premed or comp sci, maybe biotech. Hobbies include comp hardware mods of course, and the designing of my desktop look. I have had about 15 different designs on my xp windows, and one o them closely resembled MAC OS. Anyways, as for comp hardware, I'm in that phase of silent mods with fair performance(stupid tradeoff :P) and a simple looking case using only LEDs to show off. I used to be one of those power hungry users, with my cpu fan/PSU/6 case fans blowing noise like an airplane. Nowadays I don't have much time for games, so that's why i decided to silent mod. Plus I watch a lot of anime, and a noisy comp next to me doesn't help :)
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Im vash
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Im sk8, and i live in the projects of Ftwayne Indiana where the corn grows and the rich act ghetto. Well im a modder and GEEK (damn proud).
  8. benwalburg

    benwalburg Regular Member

    Hey guys,
    Ben Walburg
    16/Male/Student and computer user/mod
    Just finishing designing my own hosting company, should be up within a week with the bells working...
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    hey ben u think i might be able to get some space for free.....? whats the specs of it....
  10. wutdaheck

    wutdaheck Regular Member

    No, seriously... why am I here?

    I forgot why I joined and who invited me to.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i invited u =)
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Brandon here, joined because xeno and brian wanted me here i enjoy it hope everyone else does too. Feel free to pm me or im me sometime.
  13. submission

    submission Regular Member

    All i got to say is.... ValleyForums your the best! This is the greatest idea. Include a forum to discuss products, educate noobs, and just have fun.
    Mad props VF!
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yeah so Im gonna try this intro thing, and it will actually be longer than most people's im sure.

    so lets start with stats.
    24/male/6'6/black hair/scary goatee/practically married/DJ/work for domino's (quite an amazing job believe it or not)

    I found out about this forum when having disagreeance issues with other mods/admins from the "other" forums.
    after voicing my protests I was promptly "recruited" to this forum (though brian needs to get me back in that moderators chair soon)

    so yeah, I, like brian, am an ex-admin for those "other boards" completely voluntarily as well.

    I live in coeur d'alene Idaho
    Its a city that sits on the lake.
    its a pure resort town full of californians and 1000$ a month condos.

    in the next year I am getting into college (seeing as how I feel that I have put it off for way too long) going to get into a technology program that has the graduates exiting with job placement along with thier A+ cert to start with, and other certs depending on which focus you take (networking, website administration, or hardware tech)
    they also have some classes on programming but im undecided on whether or not I want to be an industry grunt, but then again I've always thought it would be cool to get on a legendary game coding team like the guys who make half-life or warcraft,etc...

    I also DJ as a side job about once a month. took me about a year to develop my style into something marketable but I think it was worth it. I also do web administration and sell websites when the opportunity arises.

    sites I currently am hosting (owned and designed by me with a phpnuke backend) (owned by me, and currently not being maintained, just a YaBB frontend) (owned by me, graphic work not done yet.) (not mine, I just host it)
    and there is one more that was just purchased from me yesterday, its not even regged yet so I cant say the domain name here (anyone could squat it then I would lose my sale)

    other than that. I'm just a geek. I have 3 computers, but only use one really. the other 2 are relics from a technological age long past.


    ok ok im done.
  15. BrianH

    BrianH Regular Member

    Actually, this forum isn't SVC's forum ;) SVC just promotes us. We're a standalone forum that will do as you sad - discuss products, educate noobs, and have fun. However, we'll do much much more than other Site-Based Forums such as Xoxide Forums, due to the fact that they are owned/ran by a reseller.

    And again, don't mind Shauk, he is just very friendly and enjoys telling his life story.
  16. one-silence

    one-silence Regular Member

    wususp my name is phuong and i go by silence. im 19, and currently in chicago. ive been born and raised in san jo all my life. been in to computers since i was 14? when i had my first p1 133 lol.. the good old days.. lol... peace out fella's
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hey, my name is Robert, the local homeless people call me Bob. Obviously my username is rosko486 which you may or may not know me if you have been to Twisted Mods or Tech-Mods. I live in Georgia and I attempt to provide thought provoking news each and every day of the week.
  18. Tweek

    Tweek Regular Member

    <--- Oh yeah this sexy beast is Tweek or Trevor ^_^ I love long walks on the stip and a possible hookers night out
  19. Capn Crunch

    Capn Crunch Regular Member

    Hey guys

    Hey guys, Im the Cap'n

    Im from MN and a computer enthusist. I play counter-strike lots. And im obsessed with computers. I'm happy to be able to post on a good, organized forum.
  20. iamvinhamese

    iamvinhamese Regular Member

    hi i am vinh and i am new to this forum.

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