Al, if you spent half as much time reading what's already been stated by Trevor and others "in the know" as you do pulling shit out of your ass you'd be on to something. Trevor's already stated sales certainly aren't great. Unlike you, I don't make shit up as I go along. It's been stated by numerous vBulletin staff that all Internet Brands cares about is if they can sell it. If they can it's not a failure. They have sold it. Connect the dots.
If anyone's expecting Trevor to "do the dirty", they will find he is way above such behaviour. My guess would be, you'll get very frank and honest answers but you won't find him "betraying" people, or whatever phrase people might use. He is too much the professional for that. IMO obviously.
I'm just looking for a list of questions to send him, who knows what he'll answer or what he pass on. Do you have anything you'd like to ask him @Mark.B ?
Not really to be honest...I think it would make for a better interview if the questions didn't come from vB Support Staff. They should come from "customers" (for want of a better word).
Why would you want a better word? Some of us are customers. I've purchased several licenses of every version from vBulletin 2 to vBulletin 5, which makes me a customer waiting on an unfinished product, not one looking for handouts on a product I purchased years ago. As a customer, I am entitled to answers to questions which directly affect my ability to utilize the product I purchased as it was advertised. I can't get them from Bob Brisco because he's a gutless bastard hiding behind a human firewall of Developers, QA and Support. So, I have to get them from former support who owe Internet Brands nothing after having been terminated / laid off/ whatever term they are using these days.
I put "customers" in parentheses because someone will turn up with a rant about how they aren't a customer any more due to blah blah blah. Instead you've ranted because you ARE a customer despite blah blah blah.
Was that a subtle threat from Mark.B? Those two phrases, "do the dirty" and "betraying", what were they suppose to mean? Can someone quote me any post from anyone that enticed Trevor to do something dirty or to betray someone? What a strange statement from Mark.B. And he posted it just for the sake of posting it. He has nothing to add to this thread apart from those weirdly written words.
I knew the answer before posing the question. I've seen your vBulletin 5 website. As a customer, are you satisfied with the silence is consent response from management? Or is silent consent your only option as paid support?
I have two sites. One very active vB4 site and another vB5 site which is basically just a live demo. I could promote it and make it work but I don't currently have time. I don't know what you mean by "the silence is consent approach" but if you're looking for posts insulting Internet Brands then you obviously aren't going to get them from me.
Leave Internet Brands out of it. Let's approach it from a purely hypothetical scenario: You purchase a Bentley. Bentley is the dog's balls of automobiles and you want the best. Upon purchase you find that, while it has the Bentley brand everywhere, it lacks the Bentley reputation. It has mechanical design flaws not found in previous models. You return to the showroom to speak with the salesperson regarding your dissatisfaction, only to be redirected to the service department who advises you they have a backlog of customers with the same vehicle with the same issues and that your concerns cannot presently be addressed because the manufacturer has to authorize the service. Not only did you not receive the product you paid for but you are now on indefinite hold at the mercy of the manufacturer, who refuses to address the problems or the solutions, instead choosing to deflect the legitimate customer concerns to lower level employees who are powerless to assist the customers but are forced to endure their wrath. The above describes Internet Brands d/b/a vBulletin to a "T." No. I do not expect you to speak negatively of your employer. Your employer speaks for itself.
I've read elsewhere that Trevor has stated one of the problems with vBulletin 5 is in that the developers are each tackling a microcosm of the code independent of the other developers. I'd like to hear his opinion on an effective solution to what is obviously being made a far more challenging task than it should be for the developers.
That's a question more appropriate for you to answer. What are you own about? What dirt are you talking about? What betrayal are you talking about? What people are hoping for is the truth, something that they certainly can't get from anyone still in association with IB. What? Are you amnesic or something? Anyone can quote your posts insulting IB, they are readily available on the net and in everyone's conscience.
What role does Q.A. serve in the process? It's been stated on multiple occasions by those "in the know" that Q.A. requires between six and twelve weeks to evaluate each new release. What is it they are evaluating? Is it the code only? Is there no one who evaluates the basic front end functions for functionality?