Seriously, has any attempts been made to interview Trevor Hannant? Yes, I know it is fun to play around with Paul and Mark but a serious insight from Trevor for a change is not a bad substitute.
Or try to get one with the new vB5 project manager. That would be a very interesting interview too. Scott
I doubt the new PM would grant any interview for obvious reason. Hell, if we can't get either two of the above, why not interview Mark or Paul just for the lol? Who doesn't love reading flame war between trolls in the interview's comment section?
One with someone who is authorized to speak on behalf of vBulletin / Internet Brands would be [****][****][****][****]ing splendid.
Along with Joe it would not really be an interview, as they are all afraid of answering questions. See how they all hide and run away like little boys when I ask them anything.
Would I be right in thinking that Trevor is no longer with VB? If so can we ask him if he can explain why the upper management are acting like they are and actually destroying their investment?
I'm pretty sure he is no longer with IB. Okay, one question to start Let's get a list together everyone
My question; Would you mind revealing to us any important matters not known to many customers, of course to the extant permitted by your current situation (I have in mind something similar to NDA or Gag Order)?
Another question. Obviously the management is aware by now that VB5 especially is a fail. Are you free to let us know what the management says is the reason for the fail?
Another question. Are management aware of how much damage the support staff at are causing to the reputation of VB and are they taking any action to fix the problem?
That shouldn't be difficult. Who actually calls the shots on releases? Exactly how poor are sales? How backlogged are support tickets? How many support issues are directly related to unresolved bugs?
The only dumb question is the one that is not asked. We could re-phrase it to ask, what does the management think is the reason for the lack of success of VB5, indicated by the massive number of people leaving VB for its competitors. but I think my question in its original form is more to the point. VB5 is a failure and questions need to be asked about it. Have management stated that sales are down or is this too a wasted question?