What do you think of in-text advertising and in-text affiliate? What do you think of enabling in-text advertising to guests but disabling it for registered members?
I absolutely hate any in text advertising (at least in the konterra/infolinks style). It's very, very annoying for the user, and puts me off a site extremely quickly. Don't mind affiliate links though. Although I do figure out the link and how to remove the affiliate comission if I decide to visit it.
I don't care for textual links either, I don't like the popup bubbles when you hover over them. I try not to show any ads to registered users, 99% is aimed at the guest and an incentive for them to signup and remove the ads.
I don't like them at all. I hate any ads that open up because I mouse over something. They are extremely annoying and i swear more and more sites are using them.
In text advertising ain't so bad if used correctly by placing it at strategic positions and not everywhere in the page.
Sad thing is that I've used this kind of advertisement and seeing that it is killing my website rather then helping it, starting to see the bad side of it and none of the good. Hoping when I change the advertisement platform that some good earnings will begin to generate from it, in theory I really hated the in text ads as well and ended up using them myself. I guess I should of stuck with the gut feeling that if I hate them so will other users, good eye opener here and so thanks for sharing this with us.