I'm New

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by OutlawShadow, Aug 16, 2003.

  1. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    Hey, my name's Justin, I'm 16 (in a few days) and I live in California. Maybe you know me as codePhoenix or Xineo on some sites, but they'll all change eventually to my new Xilicon name. I really like this site a lot, but, a suggestion to the webmaster...there's ALOT of forums here, making it sometimes hard to find the right forum to post in ;) I'll still post here though!
  2. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Hey, Justin. Alien's been working on the site for at least two years now (okay, so it's just me that's been here for two years..), and he's getting pretty good at this forum thing ;) Give it a little bit of time, and I'm sure you'll get used to our craziness here. (And watch out for Prox.)
  3. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    If help is ever needed in shrinking down forum size, I could tell you what you can combine and make the index less cluttered with forums.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hey codePhoenix, my super mod! I am addicted to this place, I visit is as much as I visit WiredGamers and yaXay now. :)
  5. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    Yeah, I'm feeling some addiction to this place too...I'm gonna try my best to get a lot of people to come here.
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey thanks, that's always what we like to hear. :D

    Welcome to the site, we appreciate your visit and your suggestions. If you have a specific idea on what you'd like to see shrunk etc. you can either PM me or feel free to post it into the suggestions forum or put it up for a vote. We're a pretty open place here.

    I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, and thanks for spreading the word!

  7. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    Hey Xilicon! I'm glad you are enjoying it here! This place certainly took a long time to get to where itis now. I've been around since the birth and it's been quite a trip since. Of course suggestions are welcome, but most importantly that you have fun here.

    I hope to see you around. Happy probing..err..I mean happy surfing! :angel:
  8. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    Yeah, not to mention that this new design was designed by the world famous Dameon White! I've loved every design he's done.
  9. Dani

    Dani Regular Member

    Hi and Welcome!
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The soon to be world famous Dameon White.
  11. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Hey and welcome to the best damn website period. Oh yeah prepare to be probed and dont worry, it will only hurt a lot
  12. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hi, Xil!

    Welcome to soup ... :beer:
  13. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    once you get to know our forums, you won't be able to picture even one less without having it seem like something it very much missing:) INCONCEIVABLE!

    Welcome X :)

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