I'm lost!

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Ashley, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    This isn't good. I love how we moved to Vbulletin and everything, but I am just downright lost... There were a couple sections I was fairly active in and now I can't find them! I think one had to do with forum advertisement and the other was simply the general chat section. Did we do a lot of revamping, because this looks way different from the phpBB version. HELP!
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Hello Ashley,
    I thought maybe you were from one of the forums we merged, but it looks like you signed up on this forum.
    Which has already been vBulletin.

    I did purchase a small phpbb site last night called discuss-bb, where you on that site as well maybe?
    I've pointed the domain here, but haven't merged all the content just yet.

    You can always view your last post, we've tried to keep the home page nice and clean, showing the subforums once you enter into the main sections.
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    That's probably where I got confused. I was on the DiscussBB Forum and I think that's where I got lost. And I think that may be the phpBB site you were referring to, because I came here and I'm like, "what the heck?" but at least now I know what's going on. The only thing that really confused me was when I came here and found out I had to redo my password again. I made it back all right but the whole thing is just going to take some getting used to, that's all.
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Right on, you'll have your account merged once I get the data imported.
    I'm having some problems with it because 1 of the mods changed the user table up some. :(
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    What was your account name on discuss-bb?
    I'm just about done merging the content, we can merge your accounts so all your post will be under one name. :)

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