I have put TOO MUCH time in to my board. Missing work with school over the last year has left me behind with a few lessons. I think I need to stop with my forum and get the grades I need.
You're not a "bad administrator". In your case, prioritizing is key - school should come first. Rather than stopping entirely, is there any specific member on your staff team that you would trust with your board? Let's say that you take off for a while - having someone to "hold the fort" could (and would be) beneficial.
I don't think there is a member of my forum I would trust with a admin role Maybe FullMetalBabe because I know her from here... But I would rather close it and maybe open a new forum in the future from the old Database.
Spending "too much" time on your boards doesn't make you bad, denominates you as a hard working admin. As Chris said, maybe find some one to "take care" of your boards for now...?
I've been there before, I know how it feels. Try making a kind of "plan", like for example you let yourself 1 hour of forum related work per day or something.
You could always just give someone the power to soft-delete; that wouldn't be too much power to give someone because you could always reverse their decision.
You are not a bad admin, it is something users generally forget that us who spend the hours working on the websites/forums that they love also have lives away from the internet. My father was recently sick and hospitalised and I had people bombarding my website, my emails, my phone about where I was and why the site wasn't being worked on or updated etc etc - the worse part is I was only away for three days.
While this is an excellent idea, what about the other moderator-like abilities? If Ryan is going to be gone for quite some time, allowing a specific team member to have such "power" could be beneficial.
yea...you would have to be able to at least access the modcp to run it ...thats what I do with a forum that the admins never come around to anymore...i run it right thru the modcp..lol....
He says he doesn't trust anyone else with it, Chris. I don't know if he's right or wrong to think so, but I'm assuming he knows his members well enough to make that call.